hey all thanks for all the views on previous threads. I decided to use Radio Boss instead of Zara.
Right now I am having a crazy issue and I am not sure if its radio boss or my sound board. I submitted a ticket for help from Radio Boss yesterday but they have yet to get back to me.
Radio boss is playing all my music as if the mic button is depressed even though it is not. Every word said at all times is being picked up by the mic unless I have the mute button depressed. The music is to quiet due to radio boss thinking the button is depressed.
My soundboard is a Profx8V2. I used a youtube video to get it hooked up and make sure everything works. I have radio boss set to [WASAPI] microphone (usb audio codec) This is how the video said to set it up and it works great. The next thing that was set was the broadcast console was also set to the same settings so that the music could be controlled through the soundboard. As a side note the voice that comes through the mic has an echo. Can anyone help me trouble shoot this? Also would anyone be willing to call me so that this can get fixed rather than message try it reply wait get reply try it rereply wait. You know the routine.
Thank you