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Question about home studios

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Right now I record out of my bedroom which is 15x25, I have taken over a corner and set the desk, PC, Mixing board, mic etc. Without creating a room within a room, does anyone have good idea's for acoustics and sound dampering. Since really just getting into this, I don't know many options. I search google, and read forums til I am blue in the face, but frankly, at times I am like a deer in the headlights with so many options. Any input would be great.



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  • 3 months later...

I believe furniture moving blankets are the DIY choice.


The curtain rods are a great idea, compared to staples or push-pins, since they can be heavy.

A rug on the floor always helps too.

Try to insulate corners and parallel wall surfaces so that the sound waves have less to bounce off of.


Since no one can see your studio in an audio broadcast,

a cheap solution is go behind a carpet business and grab old under-carpet foam that they just removed after an installation job. Just make sure it doesn't smell before you take it home! If it's for temporary use, you can always return it to their dumpster/skid when you get something better.

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  • 1 month later...

I have yet to try it, but our bedroom has a small walk-in closet with racks of clothes on both sides. When I walk into it, it seems so dead I'm tempted to try using it as a booth sometime.


Other than that, I have a couple of bookshelves with various sizes of hardcovers and paperbacks near my mike. I'm not sure what effect they have actually, because I haven't tested the results before and after the shelves.


Do you think uneven bookshelves may have a deadening effect?

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The more uneven the better.

The less parallel surfaces, the less sound waves will volley back and forth through the same area (An odd-shaped room will have less bounce). This is why acoustic foam with ridges, pyramids, etc. work better than a flat foam panel, plus with textures such as these, there is more surface area to absorb sound

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