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free shoutcast server


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  • 1 year later...

I too used listen2myradio.com and their servers are really junk. If you want FREE shoutcast servers you may try http://freeshoutcast.com You can stream in 64K and if you use either 64K 22.1 Sample rate Mp3 or better yet 64K AAC+ 44.1 its best. Remember your server will have to be restarted every day at 6Pm EDT and yes your in the Shoutcast directory. Your station would look something like this:


http://www.freeshoutcast.com: The Legacy Album Rock


Yes they put the http://www.freeshoutcast.com in front of your station name but I swear their better than listen2myradio.com as those guys really run junkie servers on their free side.

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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  • 3 months later...
I really haven't had any problems with it myself. I have had listen2myradio server for quite some time I'm just been trying to look for a good but cheap web hosting site so I can get a web page designed for my own station and link the player from listen2myradio to my own webpage. Thing is this I know nothing about player codes or webpage designing. I would like to own my own Internet country/southern rock station one of these days just for fun. I'm not looking for it to be really successful but it's just a dream if my station does become successful
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You are not allowed to embed listen2myradio's player on your webpage. Unless you get a paid account. A good cheap Shoutcast server would be fastcast4u.com and use the wavestream player to embed that into your page. Loudcaster has a nice FLASH player and a chat room for taking requests but it starts @ 24.95/mo for 10 listener slots and 10 GB of AutoDJ. It is easy to switch from Live to AutoDJ too so if your serious about an Internet Radio station sign up Below:




Hlpe this helps.

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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