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Garbage Bins Come Alive!


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IN an attempt to curb littering, Finland's capital will distribute rubbish bins that say "thank you" in celebrity voices when they are fed garbage.

"We are always thinking about different ways to stop littering. And this idea is great and fun," Helsinki project manager Elina Nummi said.

Four ordinary-looking talking rubbish bins will be placed around the city centre from August 22 until the end of September, she said.

A detector in the bin will activate a loudspeaker as soon as rubbish is put in, and the conscientious bin user will hear the voice of a city leader or Finnish celebrity thanking them for their effort.

The detector will also monitor the number of times a thank you message is played, and thus how many times the bin is used.

"It is great that you care about the city. Cool, isn't it?" says city mayor Jussi Pajunen in one message.

The project was drawn up by a company called Public Side as part of a broader campaign aimed at animating the capital.

"The idea is to make a thing that is considered lifeless alive," company project manager Janne Wrigstedt said.

Talking rubbish bins have previously been used with great success in other European cities, including Berlin, and in Britain, he said.

In the centre of Helsinki, the talking cans will be moved to a new location once a week.

"We hope it will encourage people to put rubbish in the bin to see if that can is the one that talks," Wrigstedt said.


Creepy... :Z:

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Guest Baabaa Productions

How strange....a polite bin. I could save them loads of money on the technology as I can think of some celebs I would like to see doing a guest appearance in a bin(saying thankyou may be too taxing for them)!!!!!!!!


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How strange....a polite bin. I could save them loads of money on the technology as I can think of some celebs I would like to see doing a guest appearance in a bin(saying thankyou may be too taxing for them)!!!!!!!!




HAHA ++++reppp


I wouldnt mind meeting one of these bins.. take one out on a date ;)

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