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New SHOUTcast Widget..


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Is anyone using the facebook app? Does it have a configure page where you enter your shoutcast server port and ip? Or is it just to show the server list? If so thatd be a bit pointless!

James, are you looking for a facebook app that lets your facebook visitors listen to your shoutcast stream?

If yes, you could take a look at this http://www.new.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=6063571748


I have been using it on this facebook profile http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1249273019


It adds a little "play" button, on the left profile bar.



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My point is, If i put it on my radio station site. I would automatically play my station, giving them the option to look through for others.

Why would i want to advertise 977 the hits channel or sky fm on my site. would at least like to have mine at the top.

Even most forum owners have there own stations & would like the same.

Otherwise it is a nice job.

Go here to complain so maybe it will be changed.


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  • 4 months later...



Shoutcast Widget Updated


These Features Have been Added:


- Remembers Your Settings - If you come across a page with the widget and you listen to a specific station and leave the widget, returning to the widget will play the last station you listened to. The widget will also display your last search query, last genre you browsed and your volume preferences


- Customize Your Favorites - Now customize the order of your favorite stations.


- Pop the Widget to a New Window - Pop the widget as a new window on your desktop and continue browsing the web while you listen to your favorite station.


Feel free to discuss here...

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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Thanks Spot,

I didn't knew FaceBook had such a player .. so I attached it to my FB profile (see link at my signature)

Important to know for broadcasters is that to enable shoutcast streaming the link has to be written as following :


- stands for : in this stream URL example .. otherwise when I use :P .. I'm getting that funny icon

Thanks for sharing and enjoy !

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Worked for me first shot. I searched for Cringe Humor Radio, came right up, and I hit play and bam. I was listening to Todd Lynn.


Wish it could be configured to have your station to play instead of searching.
I completely agree! I'd totally put this on my show's webpage if it did that. AND I'd suggest it for the station's page as well.. it would be a complete solution, and an asset as a marketing tool with that one little option.


I've tried looking for contact info to suggest this feature.. can't find anything. If anyone can contact them, or even supply a means of contacting them, maybe we can suggest this?


Thanks!! This is a great find!


EDIT: boy I shoulda read through the thread first before I got all uppity about getting new features installed huh? HAHAHA it's late, and I'm obviously tired =)~


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  • 10 months later...
James, are you looking for a facebook app that lets your facebook visitors listen to your shoutcast stream?

If yes, you could take a look at this http://www.new.facebook.com/apps/application.php?id=6063571748


I have been using it on this facebook profile http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1249273019


It adds a little "play" button, on the left profile bar.




Unfortunately, it looks like this app does not exist/work anymore. What a pitty ... it was serving us so well ! Does anybody know any other app that streams ONE shoutcast station? There is one app, but it connects to the shoutcast.com list of stations, which is not what we broadcasters want. Dimitris

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