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Allrighty.. tell us if theres anything wrong.

We are not affiliated with that forum in any way, shape or form. We did NOT merge with them and never will.


Thanks for sticking around but we need you guys to keep an eye out for things irregular!




Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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Ive found the guy/gal over at vbulletin.org. I dont like hackers but they had a good site, i would have advertised it if they didnt hack us.


who signed up at their site with these names?

releaseBWandIwillgo, youdidthisnotme, youreallydontgetitdoyou?, youstoleBroadcastingWorld


?? Thats quite funny lol.

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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Just a little word of advise


If you logged into that site using your login and password from here, do yourself and all of us a favor and change your password here. Better safe than sorry.


And I put the bozo who sent me that email on my spam filter and set it to delete anything from his X-Originating IP at my server. So hopefully I wont have to deal with him again!



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chances are thats all they got. We lost what? one day? they were down for 3 and had to move their site or domain cause Virgin canned them. So they moved to Hostway. We didnt have to move anything! Course their saying on their site they got hacked! Yeah, wouldnt want their so-called hacker friends to think a couple "Regular" people could do this to them just by complaining! Oh No No! Thats too much shame to bear. So they had to claim they were hacked! Yeah right! So does this make us "Hackers"? lol!


"No! he is defeated, he must accept his shame!" - Omura, The Last Samurai!



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