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What streaming company do you use?


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I am in no way advertising because I am not concerned with the business of makeavoice.com. I am only one of the satisfied customers of their company. So, being a customer, I just shared my experience. However, if you still feel my post unsuitable, feel free to put a tape on my mouth.


Its fine for others to recommend a host :) Its just that stream hosts cannot do any advertising in here con a certain level. Feel free to mention your host! :biggrinthumb:

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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  • 2 years later...
stream 101

Nice to see yet another Stream101 customer on Broadcasting World!

Stream101 | Affordable Media Solutions

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
I'm also using stream101 for a few years now



Always good to hear!

Stream101 | Affordable Media Solutions

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TOLL-FREE: (616) 277-7280 | 30 Day NO QUESTIONS Money-Back Guarantee

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  • 4 months later...
I am using a streaming website called Stickam at present however I seem to switch alot! I also go on a website called ustream where I stream once and awhile.... But I like stickam more. How do you get these dedicated servers? All this confuses me?

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  • 1 month later...

I am using http://streemi.com I have 1,000 listeners for $15/mo and they are Dedicated Shoutcast servers. My station is on iTunes under Classic Rock and look for The Legacy. or go to http://thelegacyradio.com and look for my 128K stream link.


I'm also licensed via this link:

http://startinternetradio.tk which allows in stream Audio ads as well and is working with RadioLoyalty.

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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I am using http://streemi.com I have 1,000 listeners for $15/mo
I find it amazing that bandwidth costs from $3 to $10 per megabit / month, depending on quality of the Data Center / bandwidth and STREEMI is selling it for less than 10% of the actual cost.


Since they started in business only 3 weeks ago (5/17/2012), lets see if they can make it to a year at that price.

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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Now Remember that http://streeme.com is a part of http://webradiocentral.com which has been in business since 2005 and doing quite well. Plus I am sure that this low cost won't last forever so get it while it lasts. Again if you want to hear the quality you can check out my Progressive Rock/Classic Rock station:


http://thelegacyradio.com Use the 128K link and hear for yourself.

Again get legal from one of the few Shoutcast supported licensing provicers at:

http://startinternetradio.tk Hope this really helps.

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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I am using http://streemi.com I have 1,000 listeners for $15/mo and they are Dedicated Shoutcast servers. My station is on iTunes under Classic Rock and look for The Legacy. or go to http://thelegacyradio.com and look for my 128K stream link.


I'm also licensed via this link:

http://startinternetradio.tk which allows in stream Audio ads as well and is working with RadioLoyalty.


I would be EXTREMELY leery of this deal that you have. Personally, I wouldn't let the station build up too much because you will quickly be costing them money. I dont see how they can do it, especially if they have Dedicated servers. There is a lot of cost involved in dedicated servers too, not to mention the bandwidth.


I find it amazing that bandwidth costs from $3 to $10 per megabit / month, depending on quality of the Data Center / bandwidth and STREEMI is selling it for less than 10% of the actual cost.


Since they started in business only 3 weeks ago (5/17/2012), lets see if they can make it to a year at that price.



Stream101 | Affordable Media Solutions

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Again the promotion is and Key Word Is Limited T for you to get in on the deal. After the promotion is Over then its $150 or so a month but never that for a person who gets in on the deal now. However no worries I just thought I'd help those who want to get their station off and running and maybe keep it for years as did AOL and the Shoutcast listing/Bandwidth deal AOL did for their customers for a limited time and those who got in stayed in. Again Web Radio Central has been in business for yrs and they have enough investment to allow a certain number of stations to be on the deal. After the quota is met the doors are slammed shut and its the usual high cost you'd expect to pay for 1,000 listeners at 128K.

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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Well as a Broadcaster for going on 5 yrs and having an E-Mail address on the web site I've received E Mails from Web Radio Central talking about their server for $125/mo (Way Out Of My Range being on disability). The emails talked about 100 listeners for $125/Mo. Then they did a deal one day and sent me an E-Mail saying 1,000 listeners for $15/Mo and when I seen that I sent an E-Mail back for I've had many servers in my time in which buffered, went down, ect, ect. I've had from listen2myradio (Premium) to fastcast47, MakeAvoice and more. All buffered or clicked when listeners quickly went from 20 to 0. Even Live 365 will click and studder just a bit when you go from 0-5 all at once. So just like you I was skeptical but I figure I'd use PayPal that way if they sucked I would cancel or worse yet a scam (as this sounded like one) I could get my money back.


Again to be listed on iTunes your station has to be Top Notch meaning any buffering, low quality streaming and too many outages you are gone and that is it your station will never get listed again. So I had to be certain before I threw the server on iTunes.


Since Web Radio Central had a service that would list your station in their directories I listed mine to see how things went. Then I had 10 of my friends pop on and off on and off and so on to see if I could make the server click as I can do with Live365. Nope did not click or buffer. In fact I have more trouble with Time Warner then I do with the server itself. Again I was truly amazed and was happy to had the deal. Now 2 hrs from now I'm not sure when but I am sure it will be back to 100 listeners @ $125/Mo as I was told they are doing it for so many people and then back to regular price. The Emails I got from Web Radio Central came on and off for yrs so again I knew they were not just a fly by night service. I'm actually surprised no one has heard of these guys here in the forum.


Remember new broadcasters get legal at:


Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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I'm actually surprised no one has heard of these guys here in the forum.
Although Web Radio Central has been around for some years, their Stream Hosting company is only 3 weeks old. Hard for everyone to hear about them in only a few weeks.


Time will tell. Stream Hosting is a lot different than maintaining a list of radio stations.

SCS - Dedicated Bandwidth Servers

Shoutcast / Icecast / Windows Media

Transcoding - Auto DJ - Mobile Radio - FLASH Players - Auto DJ

Broadcasting World's Stream Host of the Month

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They use to host Shoutcast as Web Radio Central. 2 weeks ago they decided to separate the domain for their server since Web Radio Central wanted to concentrate on their Streams Express program for their Radio station directory. So their Shoutcast servers are the same just a new domain to separate Shoutcast from their Streams Express software and Radio station directory. They use to give you premium listing in the Web Radio Central directory if you had signed up when the deal first went down but I guess that was only for a few days. So the domain streemi yes was only 2 weeks old. Their servers 5 yrs old.


When you do a en.utrace.de ip check on their domains yes they are on the UK but that said still no buffering for me.


This is a great opportunity for the broadcaster on a shoe string budget to get in and make a great station and when http://startinternetradio.tk gets their deal finished with RadioLoyalty you'll have an opportunity to license your station cheaply and make revenue. Again why I posted this because there are a few broadcasters who are legally Blind or totally blind and or other disibilities and could take this opportunity to make an income while the iron is hot. First thing Monday morning it could be back to normal price at this sweet deal as you said can't and won't last forever.


Listen to my Radio station on iTunes of you wanna see the quality

Radio>Classic Rock>type L and look for The Legacy.


Or go to http://thelegacyradio.com Click the 128K link. Hear for yourself.


Again deals like this come once in a lifetime.

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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When you do a en.utrace.de ip check on their domains yes they are on the UK but that said still no buffering for me.


Like shoutcaststreaming stated...time will tell. Keep in mind that you are one of the first people on this server. If a client signs up and uses 1000 slots, the server will begin to take more time to respond to pings (albeit 1-2ms). You get 50 clients signed up and are using 1000 slots, then you're definitely going to buffer.

Stream101 | Affordable Media Solutions

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100% Cogent Free Network | CloudLinux OS | Tier 1 Bandwidth | Grand Rapids, MI

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I would hope long before that happens they'd have common sense to take the promo away. Once the price goes back to 100 listeners for $125 like normal less people will sign up. I'm sure this is a test phase for their new domain or to get a few stations with 1,000 listeners to prove to customers who will be paying full price that their servers are indeed premium servers and can be counted on. I've actually seen other companies do this. but now on the other hand if they were to oversell their server (which they did not do on their old domain) then I'd have to hurry and switch my iTunes listeners to another server that will handle the 128K sound without buffering all the time. I've seen http://fastcast4u.com do pretty well and they are a cheap host but certain times a day once in a while I would get buffering. If anyone wants to experiment besides myself or start a station or for those who had to stop because of lack of funds now they may be able to start again and see what happens (if they have nothing to lose). If you have 100's of listeners I can see why you'd not want to change things. I usually have 20-30 listeners all day long A far cry from 1,000 however if my station grows its nice to know I have a SC server that has the power to handle it. Plus http://startinternetradio.tk a well known licence provider who I am an affilliaate with and not the SC server will be dealing with RadioLoyalty and they offer FREE ad supported Icecast servers for their clients. http://startinternetradio.tk has not yet made their new deal final with RadioLoyalty, but I will be one of the ones to be going that way and if this server fails I'll just use the Icecast server RadioLoyalty provides although I am hoping to stick with the server I have for my iTunes listeners.


Best regards to everyone no matter if you want to experiment or not and those that do happy results.

Edited by voodoohippie

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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I would be EXTREMELY leery of this deal that you

have. Personally, I wouldn't let the station build up too much because

you will quickly be costing them money. I dont see how they can do it,

especially if they have Dedicated servers. There is a lot of cost

involved in dedicated servers too, not to mention the bandwidth.


I would be EXTREMELY leery of this deal that you have. Personally, I wouldn't let the station build up too much because you will quickly be costing them money. I dont see how they can do it, especially if they have Dedicated servers. There is a lot of cost involved in dedicated servers too, not to mention the bandwidth.








I can tell you how they are doing it. Seen ten instances of it.


Hobbiest starts up a server. Big hopes and expectations. Uses JFK unlimited bandwidth server.


Then he realized that his server is hard to set up, so he gets talked into WHM.


Then he realized he has NO CLUE WTF hes doing in root, so he gets WHMSonic/Centova (which has gotten ALOT better)


Then he realizes he just spent a #@)Ton of money for a server he doesnt utilize as much as he thought he would. Then he starts pimping out slots.


Then the server settings on that cowboy configured server start really showing talent. Then Then everyrhing goes to hell. JFK proves how awesome the "unlimited bandwidth" pipeline really is.


Seen it, Could write a book about it, Its fail waiting to happen.


On the other hand. I have walked into Data centers I could never afford, just to check out pricing for space. The people talk about the bandwidth blends like a premium whole sell foods in San Diego talks coffee. I litterally stood about 10 feet from FastServ's Setup in SD. (about 45 minute drive from my house) I Would lose TONS of cash trying to build a setup like a hosting company with a real datacenter rack. Not something you can do yourself. Cash is just not worth "the digital grease under the nail conquest" so to speak."


When it comes to hosting, if you want a clean stream, #($* the @($@#(@)_ and go with a host. Save yourself the headache, and utilize them for dumb streaming questions while your hosted through them. Worth every penny.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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I know what your talking about with the VHM Sonic set up and the re seller thing. During the 5 yrs of my broadcasting I have actually gotten involved in all of that but way before I had any real listeners found that the person I was hosted through really didn't know wtf he was doing. You can sort of tell when that happens for when I started AutoDJ Oh man that was a mess. He started his server for FREE yrs ago.


I suppose there are so many stations now and so many hosts that some of these guys really don't get the server load they would have got when Internet Radio was first starting out. I was even hosted on SoftLayer servers hand yes FastServ was a server host that even Listen2myradio's premium company uses. I've actually kept up with a lot of it.


Those "Value servers" are really ones you need to watch out for. Think of those as Listen2myradio's free server on steroids. they have little load potential and anyone on those kind of servers will have a problem with it in a matter of days not months.

Progressive Rock(Album Rock Deep Tracks),Classic Rock



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