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Re-broadcasting a Live Stream


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Okay, we recently started an internet radio station. We have some friends on another station that have a live radio talk show they do once a week at a set time and day. I have permission from both the hosts and the person who runs the station to broadcast the stream live.


Is this possible? Meaning that if people want to listen to the show live on my station they would be able to...


I am using SAM Broadcaster for the management.



The Dude on Gamer's Union Radio

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I don't know about SAM broadcaster but I know if you use Cast Control, Centovacast or WHMSonic as a control panel from a streaming provider you can set up a relay in the panel by entering the IP and port number of the stream you want to relay, then that stream is relayed through your IP and port. I do this for mine as it gives me more slots and a cluster staus on shoutcast. Not sure if this will help you or not?
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SAM can easily play the stream, Just use the Event Scheduler and select "Event Action" then "+ URL" enter the stream IP and port, in window you will see a script. Just change as shown below in bold.


{# Add files to queue script #}




enter the time for broadcast and off you go!

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  • 1 month later...

I have a similar situation. I'd like to run a live stream on my station, using SAM. I understand how to start it with the even scheduler, but how do I turn it off and resume my regular clock wheel rotation?


This is probably a simple answer to a silly question. Forgive me, I am not at the computer that is running SAM right now...


Would I program the event scheduler to start a new clock wheel at the pre-determined time of the remote shows ending?

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In the event scheduler you set a start and end time. You can also use a pal script to start and stop a show.


The script below runs daily on my station. It starts at 11pm and ends at 2am. Adjust the settings to your needs.


{ About:

This script will play a remote show inside SAM

The show starts at a specified time, and then ends at

another specified time.


a) Compile configuration below and start PAL script.

b) If this show is only in certain days you will need to modify the script to

only queue the show up during these days.

See the DayOfWeek function.




const ShowURL = 'http://somewhere.com:8000/';

const StartTime = '23:00:00';

var EndTime : String = T['02:00:00']+1;



var T : Integer;

PAL.Loop := True;

{Wait for the show to start}


{Add show to queue}



{Fade to show}


{Wait for show to end}


{Fade to normal programming}



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The only way i can think of it is to use the shoutcast dsp plugin for winamp.. set your input to stereo mix and then just play the stream..


I wanna hear other people thoughts before you try that :)



That's pretty much what I'd do, but not set it to Stereo Mix, set it to Winamp so that you don't broadcast MSN/email/other sounds.

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  • 1 year later...

Hi, noobe here,

running SAM 4.6.4

I wonder, would you show me this bit in an example please? I've been looking around at diifferent examples, trying them (probably not on the right lines even), and I'm thinking "this would be really easy if I just knew how. Isn't it always...


b) If this show is only in certain days you will need to modify the script to

only queue the show up during these days.

See the DayOfWeek function.

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Thank you, this is a simple, effective & quick fix; I get that, and I'll do it. I was hoping though, to understand where I could use the DayOfWeek function in the script itself, thereby minimizing the list of events in the scheduler.
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I have not tested this, you can edit times and add it into the pal script at the bottom to see if it compiles and functions.


if (now >= T['14:29:00']) and (now

((DayOfWeek(Now) = Monday) or

(DayOfWeek(Now) = Tuesday) or

(DayOfWeek(Now) = Wednesday) or

(DayOfWeek(Now) = Thursday) or

(DayOfWeek(Now) = Friday)) then





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Suffering from Nubyitus, where's that bottle of Damitol?

Not worked on automating day of run yet...

Here's where I've gotten.

i can get it to take up the stream, swap in a promo if the stream isn't active and cycle repetitively till connect.

Problem though at end time, script drops stream ok, but does not clear the playlist, so after the song, it reconnects to the relay stream (or tries). I'd like it to clear the list on exit and put itself to "stopped" mode.

The only things I've changed in the graciously posted script here, is start/end times, stream info, and to choose from Promos (ALL) instead of Music (All)


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Well, we've done 7 or 8 relay shows since last I posted. The script really is wonderful. I'm taking your advice for now Wildun (thank you) and using the schedule to fire them up on the right day. Its all fine when the shows are in sequence, but the last one in a run....The scripts don't seem to mind the Stop Time, or clean the que on what would be their exit. Its cut/pasted from the original PAL scripts part 2 thread. Suggestions?
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