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Where do you find your show material?

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Everyhit.com yeah good site with all the songs from late back in the 50s right up to today.where they chart, month and date.. Plus i use soundboards and piece together as if the 2 people are talking to each ohter you can have real fun doing that.. soundboards.com Takes up abit of time to do (downside) Then there is

audiosparx.com/default.cfm/agent.109929 royalty free sound clips..

plus more ill list l8tr Thanks JK

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I can recommend This Day In Music - (www.thisdayinmusic.com). A full listing of music related events such as artist birthdays, deaths, which band played where and other pop/rock related items.

Unlike a lot of history type prep sites, this site will let you search in advance for a certain day. You can also search on artist/bands which will give you a list of events and dates associated with them.

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Almost forgot this one. Alan Novington's Show Prep Program (for Windows)



This is perfect for general prep as it has the "This Day In History" type content, but it also features a quiz and random jokes for the day. Put in the date and it generates a text or RTF file for the day.


There's a free version that has restrictions, but for a donation of about £5.00 (about $12 AUD ?) you get the full program with updates. He passes the donation on to the hospital radio station he volunteers for.

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