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Is it still possible to make a profit webcasting?

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Hype, crap and the government seem to hold back webcasters paying less than what they do. That usually means that they are not making a profit, i could be wrong. Is it still possible to make a profit webcasting? Or do you have to play 20 ads in a row to get real $$?


Your thoughts?

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It is ridiculous what royalties agencies charge webcasters. The irony is that if they actually reduced their prices then so many more stations would actually become licensed that the overall amount made from royalties would be higher - and in turn more people would see that webcasting can be profitable and you would get more good quality stations (which would lead to more income for artists).


The key is to get record companies and artists to realise this and then they would put pressure on royalties agencies to recuce their prices.

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Hi Guys the road i am going to go down in the new year is lieing :)

In the new year I am going to try and turn the station into a business not just an hobby.. How you may ask OK ill tell you ... The big factor is lie your ass off to advertisers.. ie..(You only get 4 r 5 tune in NO you get 4 r 5 hundred tune in. No2. Your station as to be on air 24/7 no matter what even if its on auto dj in the small hours.. Thats not the only things you have to do but they are the big ones... IT WONT WORK?? I know it will work its working for a radio station in manchester now and thats what they do LIEEEEEE :) thanks JK

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Well right or wrong I do have a donations link on my site. I run a hobby station at my expense. I have limited income but I choose to fund this hobby. A simple donation request is not a bad thing as it's up to the individual. I can also honestly say that in over 3 years I have NEVER received a donation for my station, either through that link or by any other means. Just shows that if people do not wish to donate, they will not!
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I can't imagine ever making money off of internet radio without those kind of solid numbers.


It's easy to sell ads if you are a terrestrial station because you only have to go by the potential audience (since there is no real method of measuring listenership) unlike internet radio where big, hard numbers are required in order to even make a little bit of money.

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well as of last month my radio stats are 846.416 listeners for the month of sept 1st to oct first http://yp.shoutcast.com/ttsl.html i am number 144 out 10.000 station listed on shoutcast.com a few months ago i was at number 78 with 1.4 million listeners but since i lost my other 6 server due to the high cost bandwidth now i have 2 server left and them are my last to and i can hold 1020 listeners where when i had my 8 severs i was topping out at 1.700 listeners in the day time and no less then 600 any other time


at first to me this think was a hobby but now its been 8 years and ive spent

125.000 dollars in keeping the station going

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I think it all depends on your 'business model'


If you are trying to run a station as a business, then asking for donations can be looked at as shady. (And if you are getting 800-1000 peak listeners per day and not making any profit you need to work on marketing your advertising potential)


If you are running as a hobby, then there is no issue with accepting or soliciting donations. PBS does it all the time.


Home of Absolute Rockz, Absolute Spazz, Always HOT Country, and Absolute Hitz

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well as of last month my radio stats are 846.416 listeners for the month of sept 1st to oct first http://yp.shoutcast.com/ttsl.html i am number 144 out 10.000 station listed on shoutcast.com a few months ago i was at number 78 with 1.4 million listeners but since i lost my other 6 server due to the high cost bandwidth now i have 2 server left and them are my last to and i can hold 1020 listeners where when i had my 8 severs i was topping out at 1.700 listeners in the day time and no less then 600 any other time


at first to me this think was a hobby but now its been 8 years and ive spent

125.000 dollars in keeping the station going


That's pretty impressive TLH considering your not even listed in itunes. It sounds like you have a good niche.

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