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hello dj hollywood here


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just wanted to start of by saying hi


and tell u alittle bit about my self


my names dj hollywood and ive been doing internet radio now 8 years

i own 2 the most popular web site for dirty south radio music the sites are





and im looking for a little help im having trouble finding advertzing for my station i email alot company's and get no res ponce i have the stats we are 144 on and had 845.416 listeners shoutcast.com out of 10,000 station on there 3 months ago i was number 78 in the last 3 month i have lost two my dedicated servers cause i own 1.300 dollars in sever bills i never thought in my mind there was a time where i was thinking i got to pack this up and be done with it ive tried every thing i can to get some funds coming in and it never works so if any 1 out there can help me please get back to me email me if there is any 1 here in sales and advertzing that think they can help im willing to give 30%% commission on what ever funds or sponsor money u bring in



dj hollywood

email dsroinfo@yahoo.com

aim - dirtysouthradio

msn dirtysouthradio@hotmail.com

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well i really need to bring in some advertzing funds or looking for some one that can help sell adds and get some sponcers im willing to give 30%% commission to whom ever can help

As i said :) We are all willing to help with ideas, not just one person. Post a thread up otherwise people wont see it in here!


Good luck ;) I have a few ideas in mind

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