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SAM and the Mic Delay!

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Well happy halloween week for me NOT! My PC (XP) that i use for SAM totally died on me, PSU and that took the motherboard with it! Anyway.....to the point...


My other pc runs vista and has more mem, better all round PC. So since my last pc died, I moved all my SAM files to this one.


Everything set up fine and then the test broadcast....all good except the mic. It was all broken up and choppy on air. (fine via my headphones).


So I had no other option but to push the buffer settings up under Voice FX config. However, as you may have guessed, this causes a delay on the mic from what you say, to when it actually plays it. (I do not use EQ, AGC or DSP on mic and its set to record to pipeline, skip output).


Its set to Aux2 input (this is where my mic, rather mixer is plugged into).


All is fine...I dont listen to the record output of my soundcard for the mic, but playback. So I hear myself in real time and don't hear the delayed SAM output, if you get me?


OK, so the mic is sounding fine over the stream now, with the buffers up. But, being a bit of a perfectionist, in radio it is vital to stop talking at certain times....such as b4 the vocals kick in, timing of jingles/shots etc. You know the deal....


Well..the issue I now have, is with this horrible delay, even tho it's all fine in my headphones, at the stream end, the voice is delayed enough to totally ruin any timing. Coming over the top of jingles and the likes.


I'd prefer not to use the Red button on the encoders if possible as I prefer SAM to use AGC for the decks/sound.


On my XP machine, i had the mic buffers all the way down, and it was just a tiny delay, but why on earth on a far more powerful pc do I need the buffers all the way up!!!


Exact same sound cards on both PC's. Audigy Pro Platinum 2 (don't laugh, but I love the front panel for inputs and outputs). I know it's not the best card for SAM and latency, but it's never let me down before.


So the final question has to be, does anyone have any tips on how to get the mic with hardly any or no delay at all. In my view this is what lets SAM down for me. I just don't get why music can be streamed with AGC, but they cant get a mic to work in real time even without AGC etc! There really should not be any processing to be done on it at all, so what's the deal?


Thx to anyone for tips or tricks.


(Oh and yes, I did update to latest SAM coz I moved to XP...so now using 4.36, whereas on my XP machine I stuck with 4.2.2.)

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Using the SAM Voice FX panel forces SAM to use the Audio Pipeline to deliver the voice.


Try switching the encoders to the red button when you want to talk, make sure your "stereo mix" in your recording volume tab is selected, turn of all of the noises in Windows (and other programs), and talk. You will not experience any delay. Just make sure to switch back to the blue button when you are done.

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Yeah, I was trying to stay away from the red button option, the main reasn being that as far as I can tell, the music playing etc, is no longer held at the settings used by SAM. i.e. I need to control all levels manually.


But I shall have a mess around and see wot I can do....unless anyone has othr suggestions?


Thx for the reply tho :)

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http://www.spacialaudio.com/forums may be a better place to get help


hahahaha...been there tried that all before. The mic delay is never explained properly in my view. Most folks there seem to not bother with the "timing" issues.


As I said, to myself it is very important as I like to have my timing just right where possible. Just a shame SAM can't get it right all in one software package. Everything else I love about it, but voice fx leaves a lot to be desired IMO. Maybe with the next release they shall sort it.


SAM 2 used to be fine...only since SAM 3 did the delay issues appear!!!


For me, I shall wait till a replacement motherboard arrives for my XP machine and hopefully have it back up and running on there ASAP coz yes, Vista and SAM (EVEN 4.3.6) certainly does have issues as found out by many users.


Thx for the replies everyone. :boonie:

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  • 1 month later...

I had to downgrade to XP. I had the same issue. After contacting spacial audio, they admitted to having issues with VISTA. The NEW Sam is suppose to be more compatible whenever it shall come out. My advice, go grab a copy of XP Home or XP Media Center...You can get them both fairly cheap online :P




Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Oh, well I can't wait for it to come out! From what I've heard, its suppose to be significantly different from the other versions which will be nice. I am hoping for a more "user friendly" interface that is less confusing. Some people that I let host my show when I'm away sometimes screw things up and don't understand things. This is what I hope :P




Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Oh, well I can't wait for it to come out! From what I've heard, its suppose to be significantly different from the other versions which will be nice. I am hoping for a more "user friendly" interface that is less confusing. Some people that I let host my show when I'm away sometimes screw things up and don't understand things. This is what I hope :P





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