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cant find cancel account lol so ill post here james r any admin cancel my account cant work with some people on here ass holes no forget that twats wont name them but they know who ? know it all and know f*** all then put in there place they take the piss and others agree and cant stand that sorry might be up there but guys keep us down wake up ?? and yes 2nd time i said this but this time to many wankers on im out of it qmr just one tosser has f*** all and wish he had and call us all and keep us down he is the bigist tosser off them all cant work with him sorry Thanks JK
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cant find cancel account lol so ill post here james r any admin cancel my account cant work with some people on here ass holes no forget that twats wont name them but they know who ? know it all and know fuck all then put in there place they take the piss and others agree and cant stand that sorry might be up there but guys keep us down wake up ?? and yes 2nd time i said this but this time to many wankers on im out of it qmr just one tosser has fuck all and wish he had and call us all and keep us down he is the bigist tosser off them all cant work with him sorry Thanks JK


That makes no sense. Learn how to speak English..at least good enough so we can understand what your trying to say.

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you lot just see a person unhappy about whats going on and pick insted of saying yes we agree your right..sad twats ill make sure people know how it works here np

starting with the press tomoz BW goes with the who is in form not who is right

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starting with the press tomoz BW goes with the who is in form not who is right

Thanks for being a member. Feel free to email me when you find out that you shouldnt take things seriously :) Its the internet! Chill out!


Thanks for putting the pressure on me and everyone else here, clearly as you said.. EVERYONE here must have done something to you if your blaming my website :) Enjoy your fun exposing us!

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