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why does my sam play the same few songs on auto?

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it seems like when i have my sam on auto dj it plays mostly the same songs over and over and over again. i want it to cycle through all my music on auto but it doesn't wanna do that. was wondering if there was anyway to change it to get it to play all my songs instead of a select few
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sorry guys i figured it out thanks...i have one more question....my friend and i tried to set my page up where people could go look through my playlist and request however when we did it it didnt want to write anything to the directory i was telling it to write to. any suggestions??



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A word of advice.. Sam is a somewhat complicated program. The best mix is achieved if you add all tags. Albun, artist etc. The more tags you have the better your auto mix will be. Sam uses all entered criteria to determine the next song. It is imperatve you tag your music. Just my experience.
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I originally posted on how to solve the problem but then I read the entire forum and realised you solved it ;). SAM is kinda tricky at first, well it was with me anyway, you will figure it out sooner or later. I had all sorts of problems with SAM back when my station was brand new but figured out all of them over a few months.
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