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You may know me already from the recent story published on Broadcasting World exposing the truth about R**** D****


I'd just like to say thank you to BW and James for making that story more public. It's appreciated.


My name is Kris, I live in the English County of North Yorkshire in the UK. I am an aspiring voice talent - in other words, someone who isn't yet in the voice business full time.


I'm a freelance radio presenter, I get to sit in the hot seat when someone calls in sick.


In my spare time, I use my creative skills to design professional websites.


I worked in publicity for a bunch of British Music Festivals a year ago, but left because it was to demanding.


Media, media and more media


Look forward to working with you

Kindest Regards


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Thank you, Carl


It's been great getting to know you and so many others on Broadcasting World.


I've really felt welcomed here and I regard everyone on BW a professional.


None of the other voice-over websites have the same standard as that of Broadcasting World. I get the impression that those who do request a voice-over here really do appreciate it.


I should also say that James as been nothing short of outstanding with everyone on here.


Thanks again and keep up the good work.


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