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Classic rock station seeks deejays


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Hey guys we are kinda new and really haven't had a chance to get a live deejay on the air. So here is our invite to you. If you have experience with SAM broadcaster and would like to deejay on a classic rock station, please e-mail studio@dragonrockradio.com You may also check out the station at http://dragonrockradio.com Thanks all and look forward to working with you
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unfortunately I am too busy at the moment, I do 9 different radio shows and have my hands in too many pots lol. did you do the website yourself? if you did, I reccomend the Blue Voda website builder at http://www.bluevoda.com/, it is a FREE easy to use website builder and that is how I built my radio show website. Just go to the website and downlaod it, then when you are done with the website save it and it saves itself as a file on the computer, then, depending on who hosts your site, you can upload it. justr a radio reccomendation / tip ;)
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