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Football Fever voicovers


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Hi all,


I need some sweepers producing at short notice for my radio show tonight.


If anybody could possible do this for me:


1. "Football fever with adam fawcett, call 01245 330112 now to have your say"


2 "talking football on reachonair, this is football fever"


3. "To talk about your team email live@reachonair.com now"



If possible I would like a British voice....my show is at 8pm tonight.





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There is only one football! You cannot ask that of anyone British!:brhh:


What you are (I think) referring to, is Rugby but with the addition of armour plating, lots of stopping and lots of dainty girls dancing around.



Oh...... and some Cheerleaders too!:laughing:



Take it on the chin slim. Happy new year buddy.



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