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Subsidised streaming from Mouse to Mouse - Welcome to 'M2M Offset Streaming'


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2009 kicks off with another new product from the home of quality stream hosting -


Mouse to Mouse - Offset Streaming


The concept is simple :-


a) Place an approved M2M advertising web banner on your station's homepage

b) Revenue raised through genuine click-throughs is credited to your streaming account - thus reducing the monthly server rental fee.

c) The more revenue raised through the approved web banner, the lower your server rental fee.


If your website is sufficiently popular with web visitors - you could end up paying nothing for your station's streaming server costs.


This product is open to the following :-


1) new customers only (not applicable to existing clientele)

2) customers with station websites that are deemed to offer sufficient throughput*


* Our team at M2M will consider your application within 7 days of submission (often much sooner).


If your station is accepted onto our Offset Streaming service - you'll be required to agree to the terms and conditions of our service.


Once our web banner coding has been added to your station's homepage - and approved by M2M - we'll set up your Offset Streaming server with a minimum of 100 listener slots


We'll monitor advertising revenue raised through genuine clickthroughs - and send you a monthly revenue report by email.


The more your web banner earns - the less you pay for streaming !


Make your station's website work for you today

- with Mouse to Mouse's Offset Streaming


Apply today !

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By popular request - we have widened the listener slot range on this product - as we have had many applications from internet broadcasters requiring less than 100 slots.


We assess every application and will propose a server configuration that matches the potential web banner clickthrough revenue - thus minimising the potential for having to cover any shortfall in earnings versus server rental fee.


Please feel free to contact us should you be looking to cut down on your monthly server rental spend - especially apt during this time of credit crunching !

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