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A few dry reads :)


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I am need of a few drops/liners to play in between songs on my weekly radio show on BOUNCERADIO.NET


I just need simple DRY reads, I will do any production necessary if any. I want variety so the more the better. Here are the scripts:


"You're chilling with Jon Bovi on BounceRadio.net"


"You're listening to Over the Edge w/Jon Bovi on BounceRadio.net, Net radio worth listening to"


"Over the Edge will be right back after this quick break(pause) on BounceRadio.net, Net radio worth listening to"


"Over the Edge w/ Jon Bovi"







Thanks in advance and I will leave rep to all help. Remember, the more variety, the better :)

Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Thanks to you both. Sorry, I have been away on vacation so I just got these. Thanks so much! I will mix up something and use both of these...rep added to both of you :)



Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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