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Homeless Guy Ruined My Day


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I'm standing outside on Broadway, right at Vesey St by Ground Zero.

Smoking a cigarette.

Homeless guy approaches me and asks, "Can I bum a smoke?"

I reply "sure, here, how are you?"

He replies with "I'm good, but a little dissappointed"

I say, "Oh why?"

He says "I saved up $10, went into the Theater to see Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood. And at the end they :oops: :censored: :rules: :no: "


I was gonna go see it tomorrow night.

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Thanks for not passing along his entire quote...I haven't seen it yet either.

You still ought to go see it on the big screen, if anything to spite the homeless guy.


Bear in mind that eventually, a day will come when Clint Eastwood won't be making pictures anymore.

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Hey, don't even start on driving in the snow. Remember, I'm in the Catskill Mountains and you are on that big flat sandbar known as Long Island. LOL! Drive safe though.


I have a two wheel drive truck too. When I need extra Winter traction, I just throw a pair of these beefy 5'ft Shure VA-300's in the back.


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I have a two wheel drive truck too. When I need extra Winter traction, I just throw a pair of these beefy 5'ft Shure VA-300's in the back.



LOL Throw in some bose speakers and a shure microphone and you might just have the ultimate snowpartymobile! :boonie:

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Homeless guy once made my day. I was in San Francisco a year or so ago. After arriving I found out that the hotel that I had booked (a chain that has a location in New York City that I love to stay at whenever I am in New York), was a complete dump. So I was basically walking down a sidewalk downtown with all my luggage trying to find a place that I could sit down and call a few hotels, when a guy holding up a bunch of branches started creeping up behind me and then jumped out and shouted Boo!


And wow that scared the living **** out of me, but it was funny :D


I wasn't his only target though. A few days later I was walking around in the same area when I heard someone scream. I looked where it came from and the same man was in the same place he scared me a few days ago apparently having scared another innocent tourist :P


San Francisco was a very interesting city I must say...

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