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What big sponsorship have you recieved?

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  • 4 weeks later...
I've always wanted to get some sort of sponsorship for my station but to me the thing is, a station would need a steady listener base I would say of at least 45/50 unique listeners on a daily bases for anyone to throw some serious cash in your direction. Because why would a potential sponsor give you their sponsorship if they aren't going to see any benefits from it if there are no listeners. One thing I thought of though was if a person were to have some sort of "business plan" that looked attractive enough coming out of the gates and they were a smooth enough talker, you might get something going...
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Oh yeah, before I had my own internet radio station I used to listen to that station and it was a shame to see them go offline, hopefully they return soon, whoever was the music director at that station did an amazing job.

I could say that to alot of internet stations, why is it that the big good stations shut down? I cant complain now that ive heard some members stations, pretty much all stations owned by BW members are excellent!


But.. on the topic of sponsorship, Anybody got some fake offerings? Like a compeditors station trying to be a large sponsorship just to shut you down? Yes it has happened (not to me thankwhoo)

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The Reason The Shut Down Is Cause The People Run Out Of Money For The Bandwidth To Keep The Station Alive Last Year I Had 8 Sever To Hold All My Listeners Now Im Down To Just 1 Sever Cause I Can No Longer Afford To Keep Them On If This One Goes Off I Think Im Preety Much Down With This Radio Shit Ive Spent Over 85.000 In 8 Years To Keep It Alive


I Know What My Key Problem Is I Have Now Staff Like These Other Stations Do Advertzing Reps To Get Advertzing Money And All That Stuff Im Like Alot U Guys Here Ive Been Running This All By My Self 1 Person And I Won 3 Awards


I Don't Know How These Other Station Find These People To Help Them With Getting Advertzing Ive Tried And Tried People Who I Have Found Want Money Up Front Then They Work I Tell People All The Time U Bring Me In Some Income Ill Give U 30%% Commission

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Well nice topic ...

If somebody has a sponsor left .. send them my way :)

In Belgium it looks that to the majority of people internetradio isn't born yet .. unless I can depend on some people who gives Me support .. however not with any money

On the website I have some google ads ... but that don't give "the big" money results so far

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