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More Than One Presenter?

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I have honestly never heard a show with more than one presenter on internet radio except for one station (more like a podcast). I never really thought of it until now and i want to see if internet radio isnt just one person running it!


Does anyone run a show with more than one person hosting?

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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As of right now, "The Show" w/ JJ the DJ is hosted by me alone. I am looking for an over-the-phone partner however. I suppose I can put an ad up here, which I probably will do anyway. The show receives anywhere from 50,000-100,000 listeners per show, with days where it is above 100,000 listeners. I also stream video directly from the studio during the show, and that most-certainly helps as well.


I would like somone who is interested in entertainment (music, movies, tv shows, games, etc), technology, sports, etc that can add another voice to each show. I am sure there will be a few takers, and it is certainly great experience for anyone interested in the position. I have had many people interested via emails, however I am still looking for someone.


Anyhow, as of now, it is only me, and it has been working out fine. :)


Best Regards,


JJ the DJ

Jersey's Classic Rock - Owner

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I can't stand anyone else being in the studio, does my concentration in!


I do absolutely know what you mean! I'm glad i'm not the only one. When people are chatting away and getting in the way I feel like punching the mic! I always become suddenly impatient when i'm in the studio!



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from 50,000-100,000 listeners per show, with days where it is above 100,000 listeners.


Jacked up ratings or what buddy?!


That's unheard of! Some FM stations don't even get that!


The most popular internet station in the world gets about 10,000 listeners at a time; .977 The Hitz Channel.


I've seen your website before your station is fairly new, don't make up ratings.

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Well, I am with BounceRadio.net which is where I have my show. There are about 15-20 other broadcasters. Most of them have co hosts. Currently, my show is just me however I have guests every now and then. I personally like having a co host because it makes the show more life like....It feels better to talk to another person rather than just talking to a mic :P




Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Co hosts liven up the show and give it more personality (in my opinion). I've had a co-host before but he didn't take my station seriously and was messing up things and toying around with my software live on the air so I went back to solo eventually. He is still a fill in deejay at the station however because he has a good radio voice... just need to smarten up lol.
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Co hosts liven up the show and give it more personality (in my opinion). I've had a co-host before but he didn't take my station seriously and was messing up things and toying around with my software live on the air so I went back to solo eventually. He is still a fill in deejay at the station however because he has a good radio voice... just need to smarten up lol.

I agree 100%, one presenter can make good content but with a good content and one voice explaining the content, it gets BORING! Having 2 voices, 2 personalities really livens up the show..

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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