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In the Heart of...

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For everyone living in the United Kingdom, it is likely that your station has, or will change to Heart this year, with increased networking from London and Heart's flagship station - London's Heart 106.2.


What do you think of these changes? I like Heart, and although I don't fit in with their target audience, I think it's something that caters for everyone. My local station (Severn Sound) is changing to Heart on March 23rd of this year, along with various other stations within "The One Network" which was owned by GCap Media until Global Radio recently took over.


With the recent weather warnings of Snow across most of the United Kingdom, I think Heart stations have done well to cover the situation travel wise. Even though networked from 10 till 1, they opted out to go back to local travel reports at various points throughout the morning (Mainly every half-hour). It just goes to show that even though it's networked during daytimes and evenings, when the situation calls for it, localness can return to the airwaves. One station (Not yet changed to Heart) extended their breakfast show until 11AM. Although I forget the name.


Thoughts..., what do you think? Do you like Heart? Is Networking good? Would you like it "more" local?

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