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Valentines Day....


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Ok My very first request ...


I am doing a guest spot on an Internet station on Valentines day and would like the following line please .. Dry or produced :)


"You are listening to The Sexy DJ Kiss, Live on Forbidden Pleasure Radio."


Any variations on the above line would be welcome!




Lucy x

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'ere ya go Luceee....can you help me out with a banner ad animation please???? pretty please!!! I've done all the static images, just need them animated as gif and flash as well please!


I Dunno how to do it.... derrr...


Just sent you an email, hope your email addy is still the same?


Yours sincerely, Cedric!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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Thanks Arfa! :)


you always manage to get it spot on!


Thank you so much!




Bryant Scott :)


I love yours .. Blooper included :)


Thank you!




Jinglemaster :)


Nice deep voice you have there ... perfect for Valentines Day!


Thank you!


Lucy x




I really do appreciate your talent!


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