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need someone's expertise if possible

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Hi Dennis,


That looks very easy to Me

Visit my thread about PAL at


copy and paste the PAL for "Jingles"

Change Loop to False

Open Your Event Sheduler > Load new clockwheel and select the PAL script > and change the IpBottom into IpTop

Set your time shedule ...

That way your random / no rules jingle gonna play every 15 minutes on top of your queue list


Second possebility to do this is :

Open Event Sheduler > Add files to queue > click +Category and select the directory of Jingles

change IpBottom to IpTop

Set your time shedule


In fact with the second feature you can manage your jingles without using any PAL and it gonna give the same result

Notice = to set it to NO RULES

If you add "EnforceRules" it can happen that you gonna create a conflict in the playing of different items (jingles)


Hope this was usefull


all i can do is rep ya but i need a pal script that will play random sweepers every 15 minutes. can anyone help? thanks



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