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What a week!


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Following the death of my nephew last Saturday, I was rushed into hospital on Monday after collapsing at home with a suspected stroke. It wasn't. I have a hearing problem at the moment, which apparantly got a lot worse during Sunday night which resulted in my balance being zero on Monday morning, hence why I stumbled and fell. I couldn't get up because I felt blind drunk, hence the panic.


A very scary experience, but at least I am ok now. Back at hospital today to get further checks done on the shoulder and back injuries I picked up when I fell. I already have a very bad back, so this didn't help at all.

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Oh Fin, whatever next, I hope you have some good luck soon. I have experienced inner ear imbalance in the past and yes it really is scary when your balance goes and how unwell you can feel. I also have terrible back trouble and am scared of falling over so can really relate to what you are going through on that side of things. I wish you well buddy, keep the faith. (Y)
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Indeed .. what a week

I guess part of your troubles gonna be "to much stress"

Everything who happened the past weeks gave you a very high stress level who can give lots of complications both to your body and mind

We are all human afterall .. and when the highest level is reached the body gives a token that it has to stop ...

I think that was what happened to you as result of the past period of time

Relax yourself a little and I wish you all the best !

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