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[Host's] You Can Now Edit Your Listing!


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NOTICE: Hosts can now edit their listing in the stream hosts section. Just go to your reviews page and click the Edit button on the right side. If you cannot see it, PM james or log in to the account you submitted the host with. Some things cannot be edited so please dont PM me asking why they cant be edited.


-James (Y)

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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As of right now it cannot. I'm sure that James will let us know when we can.

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As of right now it cannot. I'm sure that James will let us know when we can.

Correct. The i.p and port cannot be changed unfortunately because streamalerts do our monitoring. You have to PM us to change your i.p and port.


Also thanks for the kind comments all, i have something im coding up now similar to the host reviews :)



Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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As promised above in this thread.. Have a look under Reviews in the header ;)

Say hello to licensing reviews!


Now users can subscribe to their host and their licensing provider. This new section will showcase all the licensing companies out there! Please PM me with suggestions on what licensing companies to add?

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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NOTE ALL HOSTS: In order to view #1 on the hosts page, you need to refer users to sign up and *subscribe* to your hosts page (Get them to click "I Use This Host"). The more people subscribing to you, the higher you will get :)


NOTE TO EVERYONE: Find your host and also your licensing privider and subscribe to them!



Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content

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