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Oh FECK!!!!!!!


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My pride and joy, my Neumann U87 is dead! Whilst moving a couple of bits around in the studio today, the most ridiculous chain of events happened.


I unplugged the Neumann to move it to its box whilst not in use, whilst we change back mic booms. This particular boom is our oldest standby one as the usual one developed a squeek and was being suitably lubricated. The newer one was returned to me by one of my colleagues who asked me what to do with the old chrome (now rusting) one? Sling it I said.


Now, being a lazy git and our studio being on the 3rd floor he considered throwing it out of the window. Normally that would be a no, but as there is renovation work going on in the ground floor there happens to be a skip in the car park. Being a Sunday, the skip is cordoned off so no danger of hitting anyone so out it went. With a degree of excitement, we the slung out a rather heavy old filing cabinet and a few bits of junk that we just don't use anymore, a patch bay and an old VERY heavy mixer that we just could figure out how to get down stairs. Three of us levered this over the edge and cheered as it sent a cloud of dust flying into the stratosphere on impact with said filing cabinet in said skip.


Anyway. I just finished sorting my old DAT tapes as I needed to recover one, then went to the box of the Neumann. Erm, then it hit me. It was still on the old mic boom. We all went down and my colleague who is much more able bodied than me at the moment climbed over the fencing to access the skip and anounced that he found it. I wish he hadn't!!!! It is flattened, which is quite hard to do and looks like it has been run over by a truck.


I have to see the funny side, but I am struggling. That is a £2000 microphone. Not sure about the insurance angle on this, I will find out tomorrow.

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Well .. it looks that troubles don't stop ..

You had the past weeks already a lot of problems (your nephew etc)

I only can hope that this negative energy gonna stop

its only a mic afterall ... but it is still important to a voice-over

so I wanna wish you once again good luck and I hope the upcoming time brings you some happiness

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Goodness NO!

What a horrible occurrence.

I wouldn't mention that the mic got mashed in a dumpster/skip (outside the context of a work environment) when reporting it for insurance purposes..


Please post multiple pictures of your squashed Nuemann!!!!!!!!!!

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Goodness NO!

What a horrible occurrence.

I wouldn't mention that the mic got mashed in a dumpster/skip (outside the context of a work environment) when reporting it for insurance purposes..


Please post multiple pictures of your squashed Nuemann!!!!!!!!!!

Please no pictures :( I can already see it in my head :(


This is terrible stuff :( What a waste

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Thanks guys. Well, It won't be paid for by the insurance because.........


The item was not on the premises at the time of damage, it was in a skip. Not covered!


I am not surprised. After all, how will the fat cats keep fat if they actually paid for anything?


As luck would have it, it was the national lottery here on Saturday. For those overseas that don't know, youy pick six numbers and hope for the best.


Out of the six I picked I got 5!!!!!!!!!!!

























Wrong and 1 right. Things are looking up!:biggrinthumb:

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Well .. maybe you gonna have more luck next Friday, March 6

EURO Millions has a jackpot of 100.000.000 Euro

If you win .. feel free to share a part with your fellow BW members :biggrinthumb:

Out of the six I picked I got 5!!!!!!!!!!!

ps : I'm gonna send a PM to you with my IBAN / SWIFT and BIC account :) lol

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