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Shoutcast app for Nokia 5800?


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Hey guys, this is kind of relating to the iPhone thread, but I thought it'd be better separate. Anyway, does anyone know of a working app available for the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic which can play Shoutcast radio stations? such as the .pls or .asx links?




Many thanks,


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Hi Adam,


My project is listed on the Nokia Internet Radio directory

At my broadcaster account I have several options to submit my stream :

1 ) the http://www.name.domain/name.ram

2 ) the http://123.45.678.9:9876 aka the IP/port stream source


At the broadcaster account so far no pls or asx or asf gonna be recognized by their datasystem.

Most of the stations who are submitted to the Nokia internetradio network are shoutcast stations.

Please link to the following URL for more details :


You can read more details about all Nokia mobile phones who are supporting streaming audio and you have a downloadlink to config your mobile phone "if" your type of phone supports streaming audio


Hope these details where helpfull to you

does anyone know of a working app available for the Nokia 5800 XpressMusic which can play Shoutcast radio stations? such as the .pls or .asx links?
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Hi Adam,


Please visit this link


and look at the window "Find Your device"

at the end of the list you'll find a similar type of your phone

In fact its most important to download "Download PC Suite" (see on top of the page) .. By using this proxy and by connecting your mobile phone with a USB adapter to your pc .. your phone gonna be recognized and you gonna be able to receive and download updates straight from Nokia to your mobile phone

Without "PC Suite" you can't do any updates, with "PC Suite" you can config your phone, agenda, your general configuration etc etc

On this link you'll find your 5800 series :


I think most important to you is to install first of all "PC Suite"


Hope this was helpfull to you

No my mobile ain't on there. I'll keep looking round, there's bound to be at least something out there..
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