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VoiceOver Help Plz


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A big Hello and thank you right up front for offering this service:biggrinthumb:.

I am wanting to request some produced liners and sweeps for my Country station Stampede Country. Will be very happy with anything you folks can offer.


1. Your in Stampede Country

2.The New (pause) The Known (pause) The Legends, Stampede Country

3.Playing the Best of Today & Yesterday. Your in Stampede Country

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Thank you James. Your right, I don't want to appear stingy.


A little about myself. My name is Doug. I live in So. California. Been running a country internet station going on about 10 years now. I don't consider myself a voice talent at all. I don't have any production gear except Cool Edit. I have used several professional talents over the years and prob will again. Just launched http://www.stampedecountry.net Stampede Country and currently using produced stuff from a previous station.


I will most certianly visit and post often.

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