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Hi everyone!


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I am a classical music broadcast station in Michigan - ClassicalMusicBroadcast.com - this looks like a great resource!


I am a techno-geekette, so feel free to ask me questions about Shoutcast or SAM broadcaster, or website questions.


I also fill-in PT at local FM stations, and do a LOT of Internet video and audio webcasting.


Hi everyone!

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Thanks all for the warm welcome - I've been webcasting since '04' and FM since 03'

@James: thanks - I also webcast in Second Life at the Music Academy there

@JInglemaster: (blushes)

@Eban - thanks!

@Voxjunction - well, I would like to dispel the notion that all of us are stodgy blue-hairs. My opera newsgroup has a sizeable contigent of tattooed opera fans, including myself. ;)

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