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I can give you more info.


Actually W26 Radio (my webradio) is broadcasting with this plateforme.


Radionomy is a company in Belgium, the service is in a Beta Test. What's cool in Radionomy ? They pay all broadcast fees for you (in France it's around 2000€/Year). At the end of the Beta Test some ads will be broadcast 3 times per hour for a maximum time of 4 minutes per hour.


What's actually not cool in Radionomy? You can't do live, you can put some VoiceTrack but not the same ...


To answer at your question yes you can have your own website like ours: http://www.w26radio.com , you have a stream address like other stream service. Our radio is in the iTunes Radio listing.


And I forgot, of course it's free :) The service is still in test but it's pretty good, a major upgrade is coming for april.


I hope I answered to your questions :)



W26 Radio<< http://www.W26Radio.com

iPhone/iPod radio apps developer - Jingle producer - Contact me!

PayPal payment ONLY

I'm not a VO but sometimes I give it a try :)

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LOLL You were waiting for an answer don't you ? LOLL Even not 2 minutes after my reply you already answered :P :P


The upgrade details are secret for non users, but I'll try to do my best to let you know ;)



W26 Radio<< http://www.W26Radio.com

iPhone/iPod radio apps developer - Jingle producer - Contact me!

PayPal payment ONLY

I'm not a VO but sometimes I give it a try :)

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  • 5 years later...


Anybody tried this out? What flexibility does it have? Can you have your own site and stream from WMP/iTunes/Winamp?


I just found this site and i need more info :)

Many thanks,

James :biggrinthumb:



Hello James, I use Radionomy. I am kind of new but am off to a great start. Yes, you can go live with Radionomy. The 'no cost' way is to download the winamp player and the dsp plugin. Make sure that if you are using your laptop, like me, make sure you have an Ethernet cable connected to it.


I am still in the works with a lot of it, but you can check out my website (please let me know what you think) Urban HotSpot Radio . Be careful though, I do have some explicit material. Next weeks marks 3 months for my station.


The radio manager is confusing at first, I am still working with it, but it does the job. If you have any more questions, don't hesitate to ask. :rolleyes:

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
I created a Group on Facebook for people that are in Radionomy. We are just a group of Producers/Manager/Broadcasters that work to help each other with some of issues in Radionomy. We also add files to help others in the group.




Radionomy Producers/Managers/Broadcasters,



Your facebook site is a god send to users of Radionomy as their website is at times information overload where as on fb the answer come thick and fast well done Dollz

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