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Useful shareware software


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I REALLY like my setup, its a good alternative to beating the SAM blues.


I had a "My side of the house" budget of $300 (The total I have raised for blood plasma selling in SD and various moonlighting contract work) for last month.


What I was using to broadcast:


2005 bought Sony pre-build comp. Im not going to go into the stats. It was crap.


SO, time to play tech DOC.




$100 for a new motherboard and 2.5 Mhz processor.

$42 for 2 GB of DDR2 ram

$40 for a new case


Stripped EVERY piece I could get



and a nice little rebuild. Keep in mind Im a plumber/welder/pipefitter in the Navy, and I have NO CLUE about comps.



My old chastity fan was burnt out, so I used the processor fan from the old comp.



Then to bring callers on the air. I am not a skype fan. My general rule of thumb has been ,"the more I can do with this externally, the better off my processor is for streaming."


So I went with a nice alternative to a hybrid. My house phone has a 1/16 jack for headsets. Adapted it to 1/8 jack, and on the other 1/8 end, a 1/4 adaptor to plug into a channel of my mixer. Then I bought a channel splitter, SO I could plug the Mic side of this little concoction into my mic plug of my mixer, and the speaker side into my main out.


Now I can speak through my mixer to the caller using my mic.


FYI the mixer is only a cheap Xenyx802 I got on sell from guitar world.



So when its all said and done....




Then For the software. Winamp is nice, but what about the Jimgles and Sweepers?



first is my jingle player of choice

http://www.michasjingleplayer.de/wp-con … enshot.jpg

downloadable here

http://www.michasjingleplayer.de/downlo … 2_beta.exe



Also EXCELLENT for sweepers.




So when It's all said and done, the screen looks like this






a VERY formidable free alternative to SAM.


If you want a little more "umph" in a free music player, try zararadio. but This gives me that "open source" feel I was looking for.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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Then For the software. Winamp is nice, but what about the Jimgles and Sweepers?



first is my jingle player of choice

http://www.michasjingleplayer.de/wp-con … enshot.jpg

downloadable here

http://www.michasjingleplayer.de/downlo … 2_beta.exe



Also EXCELLENT for sweepers.




So when It's all said and done, the screen looks like this






a VERY formidable free alternative to SAM.


If you want a little more "umph" in a free music player, try zararadio. but This gives me that "open source" feel I was looking for.

Wow i have never seen jingle software like that! That looks very VERY handy if you dont use radio automation! I will try that when i do a live broadcast next! (Y) Kudos!

Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform
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Its one of my personal favorites. The thing that is misunderstood about using a live recording of "what-U-hear" or "stereo mix" (Whatever your soundcard calls it for Shoutcast/edcast/oddcast/Spacial cast or any other Winamp DSP, is that now your DSP is actually transcoding any info that comes through your speakers into the selected format (why a lot of computers crash when they select live recording, the comp cand handle the processing)


So with this Jingle player you can set ANY file type up as a button, then select it to play. Select it again to stop. Its changes from blue to Tan when you play a Jingle, to indicate you have alreay played it.


For sweeper shells, simply put the background music on the Jingle setting, then push and start talking. Push again when your finished.


The only stats it gives on the Buttons is the file name and time remaining until the file is finished (count down timer).


VERY simple and effective for a guy like me.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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