Bizzacore Posted March 20, 2009 Share Posted March 20, 2009 Hey Everyone, Just wanted to get some feedback as to what you guys think about something. I was mulling over the idea of starting a news cast. Charging stations a low price for a daily news cast. Not sure of the details just yet.. whether it be 1 part, or multiple parts. Or whether it would be generalized, targeted locally, or mixed. What do you guys think about something like this? Would stations be interested in something like this? Are there free alternatives to paying for something like this? And if there are free alternatives, what do you guys think would need to be included to be worth paying the small fee for it? Thanks for your input guys! Chris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Posted March 20, 2009 Share Posted March 20, 2009 I think quite a few stations would be interested I would be if i still had my station up and running. Maybe provide a sample so we know what your newscasts would be like? -James Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bizzacore Posted March 20, 2009 Author Share Posted March 20, 2009 well, see there's a thing.. cause there are a couple ways to go about it (that crop up to the ol skull immediately). I could do an "Odd News" cast.. where it focuses around the weird news that people don't usually cover, or it could be straight up national headline news, or local news .. OR again, a mixture of all 3. Maybe I'll work on that today.. get 1 or 2 odd news stories together, a couple of nationals, and a couple of local stories from here.. and I'll post examples of how it could work out in any direction.. see what you guys think. Awesome! Thanks for the input James! Chris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bizzacore Posted March 20, 2009 Author Share Posted March 20, 2009 Okay.. I still have not had my nap yet.. been goin since 2:30 this morning.. so forgive me if my vo is a bit off on this. I just threw it together real quick just to get something together. It's about 4 and a half minutes long, including Headline News, Odd News, and Local News (local to Long Island).. though if anyone were interested in this, it'd be local to their location of course. Take a listen, let me know what you guys think. Thanks! Chris (or Scott Main, as the assumed name I used in the newscast) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nitnitr Posted March 21, 2009 Share Posted March 21, 2009 I think having a local angle for a station that localizes is great. There are alternatives though for U.S. National News. IRN/USA Radio offers their news on a barter basis (you play their ads within the newscast), and FSN World News offers a service at $15 dollars a month. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Posted March 21, 2009 Share Posted March 21, 2009 Okay.. I still have not had my nap yet.. been goin since 2:30 this morning.. so forgive me if my vo is a bit off on this. I just threw it together real quick just to get something together. It's about 4 and a half minutes long, including Headline News, Odd News, and Local News (local to Long Island).. though if anyone were interested in this, it'd be local to their location of course. Take a listen, let me know what you guys think. Thanks! Chris (or Scott Main, as the assumed name I used in the newscast) Would you make it entirely free? Or run an ad inbetween some sections or the newscast? I would love to support and promote this, i made a suggestions many months back for something like this but it never happened and id love to promote it on here! Studiio - All-In-One Radio Communication Platform SMS | Phone Calls | Social Media | Content Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ajruss Posted March 21, 2009 Share Posted March 21, 2009 I think if you drop the Local News this would be a good service. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CMB Posted March 22, 2009 Share Posted March 22, 2009 I signed up for IRN but truth be told, its not *really* a newscast. Its approximately 2 sentences (short) of news, with very long and loud intro/outro segments and really obnoxious commercials. I was pretty shocked at how poor it was, then again, you get what you pay for. I would LOVE a well-produced 5-minute news segment that didn't cost an arm and a leg - heck, I would help you produce it/voice it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GKIye Posted March 22, 2009 Share Posted March 22, 2009 Hi Chris, First of all congrats to your idea ! Its my experience that to internetradio stations a 5 minute bulletin is to long Headlines with a short content about those issues works out much better If max 3 headlines are used you can make this way a bulletin of 1:30 minutes Listeners to internetradio don't like to much talk .. they tune in to hear music .. unless the bulletin is broadcasted on a "talk radio" station If you can get a collab with a compagny or business you can provide it for free by making the end of the bulletin as following This was "name host" for "name news service" brought to you by "name compagny" To be sure that your bulletin is being broadcasted you can add a submit form where stations has to specify their name, location and website This way the compagny who collabs with your news service knows where his message can be heard Stations who are using your service can be listed on your website with their name and location A second idea is that BW can provide to "BW members only" a direct connection link to capture the news bulletin At that time BW has to assure you also about the name, locations and website of the stations who are using your service Into the future this can achieve more types of bulletins who contains news about their region ... ex: to US, Europe, Australia based stations This way BW can become a provider of a real Broadcasting World News service Afterall BWN or BCWN sounds pretty good to Me as callname of a news service ... Isn't ? Hope these details where usefull to you Visit and listen @ BW ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bizzacore Posted March 22, 2009 Author Share Posted March 22, 2009 I am absolutely blown away at the response this post has gotten. Thank you everyone for your ideas. There is some real gold here as far as getting this thing going. First off, I'd like to let know that this is far from being in production just yet, but with you guys giving me such great ideas/support/help with this, it can be a reality very soon. So, what I posted earlier was just a prototype. GKR, I definitely know what you're talking about with the 5 minute thing being a bit long for some stations. However, as CMB noted, he'd like something about that long. What I could do is offer an all inclusive file, with all 3 pieces and also offer each piece separately. That way, stations would be able to pick and choose which they want or don't want to download. Going about it that way seems to me like the best idea to cover the issues of a. length, and b. what parts to or not to include. So, each section would be about 1:30, which would make the entire file 4.5-5 minutes (all times are approximates) As far as cost, I'd really like to make bit of money off these. I don't want to sound like I'm being greedy with this, but truth be told, the whole idea was actually conceived with the notion that I possibly could make some money. heh Taking into account the amount of work that would be put into the preparation such as: gathering the news, chopping it down/rewriting, doing the voicework/production, and hosting the files, etc. However, I'd really like for the pricing to be competitive. I'm not going to get up on a soapbox, and claim "I'm the best newscast, which is why you should pay me way more than anyone else" haha I'm absolutely open to any sponsorships or running an ad or tagging it with a sponsor's name. I was thinking something to the effect of "This newscast has been brought to you by [iNSERT Sponsor Name/Tag]. I'm [iNSERT Name] with your [iNSERT Newscast Name] Newscast on..." and leave a bit of room at the end of the file for a Station ID Tag. As far as the BCN/BCWN idea, I loved it when James briefly mentioned being involved somehow, so I'm glad GKR brought it up as well. I'd love to talk more about how we could work it out! Any ideas are more than welcome. Again, I'll express how much I love the ideas that you guys have already brought to the table on this. Thanks so much everyone! Chris Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
THREETEN RADIO Posted March 22, 2009 Share Posted March 22, 2009 You should make a bit of money from this, it's you doing the work, even if it's just a bit of pocket money. Good luck with it all. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GKIye Posted March 23, 2009 Share Posted March 23, 2009 Hi Chris, I think a small SFX as fade out would be better .. for reason that most of the internetstations are able to pull the content aka file straight to their streamsoftware. I guess most of them are able to shedule an automated ID after the news If people have to cut and edit their newsfile .. even just by adding an ID on top of the fade out .. it gonna look less interesting to being used and leave a bit of room at the end of the file for a Station ID Tag Afterall, except FM station members, BW members who are making internetradio only do use their type of automated software, their sheduled playlists etc etc ... and I guess they are looking for something "easy to get - easy to use" aka by pulling the content to their software at the TOTH etc etc If you start and end the content with "blabla bla brought to you by bla bla" plus at the end a SFX that can work out very well Just got an idea :trumpet: If you are looking for a sponsor .. maybe a streamprovider can be interested to sponsor the news .. they are "the" compagnies who are looking for benefits "at" the internet .. afterall their message aka compagny name gonna be heard also at stations who are having an other streamprovider .. and a bit of competition is always welcome ... isn't Visit and listen @ BW ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bizzacore Posted March 23, 2009 Author Share Posted March 23, 2009 I think a small SFX as fade out would be better .. for reason that most of the internetstations are able to pull the content aka file straight to their streamsoftware. I guess most of them are able to shedule an automated ID after the news Good call on that one! I suggested the last method because in my FM experience, we have syndicated shows, that we get promos for.. and we need to tag them, with the date & time of the show, and the station tag. But your method seems like it would cater to the eas of use an internet station is looking for. afterall their message aka compagny name gonna be heard also at stations who are having an other streamprovider .. and a bit of competition is always welcome That is something I briefly thought about. How would one stream provider feel about promoting another stream provider? Is it really any business of the stream provider, what content is going out through their service? I would think as long as their getting paid, it wouldn't matter much.. but I don't know any of the politics in that sorta thing. Maybe a stream provider on here could enlighten us, and give their thoughts on possibly sponsoring something like this. Thanks again GKR! And THIRTEEN, that's pretty much what I'm looking for. I'm not looking for a "get rich quick" scheme, but if it provides me with some supplemental income, hey that's what it's all about.. and if it turns into an empire, then damn! I did something right! :biggrinthumb: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
THREETEN RADIO Posted March 23, 2009 Share Posted March 23, 2009 And THIRTEEN, OH I GIVE UP!! That is six times now. Not having a go at you bizza but this keeps happening and I cannot see why. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bizzacore Posted March 23, 2009 Author Share Posted March 23, 2009 oh holy crap, i feel like a dick! it sure is a tricky one... though I'll take full responsibility that I cant read hahaha Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
THREETEN RADIO Posted March 23, 2009 Share Posted March 23, 2009 oh holy crap, i feel like a dick! it sure is a tricky one... though I'll take full responsibility that I cant read hahaha I have edited my post above so it will make more sense to you. If you see the other times it's happened you will see why it bugs me. Anyway it's cool. :Z: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GKIye Posted March 23, 2009 Share Posted March 23, 2009 OOOOoooo ... I'm gonna give it a try ... So it is DRIE TIEN ? I'm gonna try to keep that in mind ps : DRIE (3) TIEN (10) is the Dutch translation of 3 | 10 .. LOL If you see the other times it's happened you will see why it bugs me. Anyway it's cool. to Chris : I think also thats gonna be the best solution .. if anyone is passing by - of the providers - to check their interests on this issue Maybe a stream provider on here could enlighten us PS : You are reading post #300 made by Me at BW .... Congrats ... applause ... :clap: Quote of Philippe : I wanna thank all fellow members who gave their continious support in achieving this goal ... LOL Visit and listen @ BW ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ceejay7777 Posted March 24, 2009 Share Posted March 24, 2009 I'm not looking for a "get rich quick" scheme, but if it provides me with some supplemental income, hey that's what it's all about.. and if it turns into an empire, then damn! I did something right! :biggrinthumb: Sorry to be a damp squib, but in my experience, by the time you pay the copyright fee to the original news source(s), it's pretty hard to make any money out of a news service. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
THREETEN RADIO Posted March 24, 2009 Share Posted March 24, 2009 OOOOoooo ... I'm gonna give it a try ... So it is DRIE TIEN ? I'm gonna try to keep that in mind ps : DRIE (3) TIEN (10) is the Dutch translation of 3 | 10 .. LOL ;) Perfectly acceptable Philippe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bizzacore Posted March 26, 2009 Author Share Posted March 26, 2009 Ceejay: pay royalties to news sources? Oh, I completely wasn't aware that I needed to do something like that.. of course, being completely oblivious of this, I'm glad you mentioned it, because I would have been running a sham service without even realizing it. hah Thanks for the heads up. Is there a way to just gather news from news sites and go about the business of putting it together? (kinda like I originally imagined it would go) or is something like that illegal? cause I have no idea hah Thanks everyone! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ceejay7777 Posted March 27, 2009 Share Posted March 27, 2009 Is there a way to just gather news from news sites and go about the business of putting it together? Your best bet would be to contact a group like AP. Just as a comparison, there's a guy in Oz who does pretty much what you are thinking about doing and he has a deal with AAP to provide the original material. AAP charges him a fee for each station taking his service (on a sliding scale according to size, etc) and he passes on that fee in his charge to the station. If you want to find out more, his name is Artie Stevens and the service is Australian Independent Radio News Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ajruss Posted March 27, 2009 Share Posted March 27, 2009 Have you seen this for sam user new Audio/CBS Offer Syndicated Programs Filling a large void in internet radio, Spacial Audio has partnered with CBS Radio to offer internet-only radio stations the opportunity to carry syndicated CBS Newsfeeds. CBS Newscasts, Tech News, Weekend News Roundup, World News Roundup, and the highly respected "60 Minutes" (audio) can be scheduled to run on any station using Spacial Audio's SAM Broadcaster. "This is a first for internet radio," says Spacial CEO, Bryan Payne. "Pure-play online radio stations now have an ability to provide listeners with familiar, quality content at a low cost." CBS News produces world-class branded newscasts in multiple genres. SAM Broadcaster will automatically download these syndicated newsfeeds and schedule them, per your station's needs - simple PAL Scripting lets you work wonders. To access these CBS Newsfeeds, log in to your SpacialNet account. The "Syndication Feeds" link is in the navigation panel. Set your station's feed access in the drop-down window. Select "Custom Feed" to choose individual programs, OR "Full Feed Access" to receive the programs bundled, thereby saving more than $20 monthly over the cost of purchasing each feed separately. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GKIye Posted March 27, 2009 Share Posted March 27, 2009 Thanks for sharing I've just checked my account, looks to Me that it offers only CBS aka American news topics ... This ain't that interesting to my project who's European based Thanks for the details .. in fact I never noticed before that "tab" Audio/CBS Offer Syndicated Programs Visit and listen @ BW ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
orestoneradio Posted April 11, 2009 Share Posted April 11, 2009 Is anyone doing a UK / Euro or 'strange' news show. I am looking for something similar. I might end up just doing a local news bullitin instead of national though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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