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An idea

Brutish Sailor

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I had this idea.

Get a mass crowd of shoutcasters together.


Offer artist free exposure in exchange for royalty free broadcasting rights. Start building a domain list of all these artist with high quality music willing to go into a royalty free distribution contract with shoutcasters.


It would be somewhat like airplay direct, except it would be NO LABEL period. Not under any label, but pure 100% royalty free.


Maybe even see If I can make some deals with the guys here.




They already have broadcast quality music, just need some exposure.


Maybe to sweeten the deal, design a "now playing" script with a link to their donation site, similar to the ones you see with Amazon. What do you guys think? Am I crazy here? Basically a "you sign up, you have broadcasting rights to this selection" site.


Much less headache to the shoutcast community. It would give them a source of music they can legally download to stream without having to contact EVERY artist in the playlist. With over 25,000+ IP's out there, it would give some VERY affordable legal straming options, and more money in to the broadcasters hands to work with more important issues, like webhost options.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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Maybe I didn't read something right with the rules . The bands give you the ok to play their music royalty free meaning you don't pay them BUT soundexchange wants payment for every sound recording you play.I'm I right wrong ? someone let me know
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Not to sure on this its a grey area i would say check it out first ... I did think if you got the ok off the person whos music it is then its ok but the more i read up on this the more it makes me think twice.. so like i said grey area this one....
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Heres the understanding I have, and Im going to look up a lawyer and see what he would charge for knowledge on this.


FM/AM stations are not allowed to air unpubed bands music period. Reason being is that I guess some FM/AM station back in the 80's put an unpubed bands music on the air, and the song was a cover. The label of the actual intellectual property owners sued the station.


As a result, the stations owers got the case dropped, but in return a law was passed banning the airing of unpubed work. This is why you dont hear unpubed bands on the air any more.


My source for this isnt a solid one (retired FM DJ) but he was in the industry for 20 years, and I cant seem to find actual documentation on this ANYWHERE. But the guy knows this stuff inside and out, so Im going to keep looking.


He also just spewed some legal mumbo jumbo that spelled out this rule doesnt apply to internet broadcasters, but I need to find the law on it in order to really establish what hes talking about.



J, Im pretty sure that's a no on royalty collection for unpubed bands if they give the OK on intellectual property. Again, let me contact some actual lawyers before I shoot my mouth off about what I dont know is written in stone.

KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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Maybe I didn't read something right with the rules . The bands give you the ok to play their music royalty free meaning you don't pay them BUT soundexchange wants payment for every sound recording you play.I'm I right wrong ? someone let me know


You are absolutely correct. SoundExchange after being given license by the Copyright Royalty Board as the exclusive collective for all Royalties have given themselves the right to collect royalties for any music played even if the band themselves are not a part of SoundExchange. If the band wants their money, they can join S.E. and (after paying a fee) will get their pittance. If not, S.E. continues to collect and keep those monies.


There was a brief filed by RoyaltyLogic with the courts challenging the validity of the CRB's appointment in the first place. See for Judges to be placed in the position these three judges have been, under Constitutional Law, only the President or Head of an Administrative Department of the Federal Goverment can appoint them. They were appointed by the Librarian of Congress which is only a Support Division of a "Branch" division of the Federal Government. It was never within their power to set such royalties or envoke such laws.


Until such time as the litigations are done and the smoke has cleared nothing is being collected or enforced. I am waiting to see what happens. But I already have a form I have indie artists (who hold 100% of their copyrights) sign absolving me and iWebRadio from any responcibility for any Royalties foreign or domestic in exchange for a shot at airplay. Just in case!



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What Ajuss is asking I believe is do you HAVE to be registered with SE in order to play unsigned bands music. That I believe, is a no. However, if your License goes far as a CYA thing, just in case the unsigned band is doing a cover (which really cant save you sometimes, See above)
KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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Wether your signed with SE or not. Wether the band is or not. S.E. expects to be paid if you play a song. If you were to record your self and your friends playing a song (Original or Not). And you play it on your station, S.E. will be expecting you to pay them a royalty. Isnt that some sh*t? What you create you have to pay them to perform!


SoundExchange is evil and must be destroyed!




PS: Many known musicians already sued SoundExchange because they collected 100 million dollars...then said "Oh We cant find these artists! (Artists like "Jeff Buckley, the Olsen Twins, Peter Paul & Mary, Sting and more!) Oh...and SoundExchange doesnt tell anyone about their "Forfiture Clause" any funds not claimed by the artist after 3 years (And of course they dont notify anyone!) they get to keep! So Sorry Charlie!

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Wether your signed with SE or not. Wether the band is or not. S.E. expects to be paid if you play a song. If you were to record your self and your friends playing a song (Original or Not). And you play it on your station, S.E. will be expecting you to pay them a royalty. Isnt that some sh*t? What you create you have to pay them to perform!


SoundExchange is evil and must be destroyed!




PS: Many known musicians already sued SoundExchange because they collected 100 million dollars...then said "Oh We cant find these artists! (Artists like "Jeff Buckley, the Olsen Twins, Peter Paul & Mary, Sting and more!) Oh...and SoundExchange doesnt tell anyone about their "Forfiture Clause" any funds not claimed by the artist after 3 years (And of course they dont notify anyone!) they get to keep! So Sorry Charlie!

This is what I was asking and this is what I go by no matter what se wants the money.

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