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Worldwide Visitors - Post and Share Yours

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Audiostreaming projects has worldwide visitors to their website and broadcasts.

I wanna share with You the Top10 of most visiting countries (April 2009 - Top10 out of a total of 69 countries)

Feel free to share your Monthly Top10 ... and this way We all can discover what countries are most interested into streaming audio to worldwide projects.

Depending of the continent this can give to broadcasters a great overview.


1 ) United States

2 ) China

3 ) Belgium

4 ) UK

5 ) The Netherlands

6 ) France

7 ) Australia

8 ) Germany

9 ) Canada

10 ) New Zealand

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radiowayne, who has a 'folk and more' format, notes the following countries:


1. United States

2. Virgin Islands (USA)

3. Norway

4. Canada

5. United Kingdom

6. Japan

7. France

8. Australia

9. Sweden



Wayne G. aka radiowayne


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Here are the stats from Xtra Musica, Spanglish hit music radio station.




1 Spain

2 Mexico

3 Belgium

4 Brazil

5 U.S.A

6 Chili

7 Argentinia

8 Colombia

9 France

10 U.K.

11 Venezuela

12 Poland

13 Dominican Republic

14 Australia

15 Germany

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