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How much should I charge?


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Kind of depends on a few things, what I would do though, is maybe ask them for their budget range then kinda set a price a tad bit higher than their smallest number in the budget...:)



Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Grant, if this is a commercial station with a big programming budget, charge the hell out of them. TV stations in our part of the world have had a soft ride with VO's for a long time. Charge whatever you feel comfortable with for the work required, but don't sell yourself short. Remember, these guys are making a lot of money and not writing many cheques. :)

If you would like me to help you out with a ballpark figure, PM me and let me know what the workload will be.





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I'm likely to play a bit softly-softly with the channel as it will be my first attempt at getting a commercial-vo job. I like the sound of JB Voice's suggestion. I'm a bit relaxed with what I charge for this channel as it will also help me to get some experience with doing paid VO work. Not to mention it will be the first client I can mention :)
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  • 4 months later...

BBCradio1 - That budget would not be what I would charge for a television station, at least not here in America. It really does depend on the client. I did a regional radio ad for a local bank, their budget was $200-$300. Then I took part in a national ad campaign back during the elections, and I took advantage of them, their budget was $600-$900 per voice artist, and I charged them $800. It totally depends on the company and their marketing budget. I ALWAYS talk to the marketing manager at the company looking to hire be FIRST, before giving them a price.



Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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Of course, budgets in NZ are somewhat different to what you would find in the States for example... here are a couple of pages with good information on voice over pricing.


This first site has some brilliant information on it about all sorts of voice over related stuff, and pricing as well:




This is a very good site for all sorts of information:







I hope this helps... Hey good luck Mate!


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