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Sam and line-in/newsfeed at set times?

Arfa B

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How do you get SAMBC to accept a news/ live studio feed at set times?


This is via the sound card line-in socket.


I can't figure it?


Thanks In Advance,


Arfa' B!:biggrinthumb:

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Thank You!

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Hi Arthur


I guess the feed is an MP3 file ?

If so check my sticky topics about PALs and see for the TOTH Pal


change :

Cat ['Advertisements (ALL)'].QueueTop(smLemmingLogic,NoRules);

into :

Queue.AddURL('http://www.name.domain/summary/News.mp3', ipTop);

If you select into the Queue playlist next to the + "add Mic / Line In" you are able to select the source of your Line In or any other incoming sound device

You gonna have into your settings something similar as mine - after you clicked "OK" .. see "right click on queue item" > "Song Info" > at the bottom of that window you gonna see the details ... ex.:


It looks logical to Me that you could change the details into the load "Queue.AddURL" section into :

Queue.AddURL(''mic://?&driver=DS&packets=10&packettime=20, ipTop);

Afterall anything that is written as ex: mic://.... or similar is understood as hyperlink aka a link who's outside your pc or somewhere in between

So to Me it looks that you could give it a try with the following script :

// will load Id from Station IDS category at the top of each hour

//then it will loop an wait for the top of next hour

//if your ids aren't in the Station IDS then you will need to change the category to load from

function ActivePlayer:TPlayer; forward;


{Wait for right time}

PAL.Loop := true;


Queue.AddURL(''mic://?&driver=DS&packets=10&packettime=20, ipTop);


function ActivePlayer:TPlayer;


if DeckA.Status = psPlaying then

Result := DeckA


Result := DeckB;


Copy and paste the content on top of this into a new PAL and see if it works out

Please notice that you have to check for yourself the "correct" link to your soundcard (Line In) by making a test at your Queue Playlist > add Mic/Line In

Notice that the script on top of this is a PAL who gonna fade all current played content at a specific sheduled time (in the example every hour at xx:59:35) .. this can be changed to your time shedule .. to the ipTop of your Queue playlist

How do you get SAMBC to accept a news/ live studio feed at set times?

Notice that - except a live Mic line in to make radiosets - I never used before any PAL to shedule anything like this ... its only my logical view how you can achieve this

Anyway by adding the right location of your soundcard it has to work .. I hope :)


Please keep Me posted about the results

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