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SAM - A simple question....

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Ok I am testing out SAM, never really liked it before but will give it a go while on trial. I really cannot be doing with complicated PAL scripts and that. Most of how it works I get but lets say I have a show, a pre-recorded mp3 that I want to play at exactly 1600 hours (4PM) I have looked at the event scheduler but I can only add the file to a queue or start a clockwheel....? Is there a way to tell SAM to play just this one mp3 file at an exact time that I choose?

If there is in laymans terms please?

Many thanks.

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how many tracks are you normally keeping in the queue? For example I don't keep any. some Keep way to many. You can always use the event scheduler to put that file at the TOP of the queue using the add file selection and changing the code to say TOP as opposed to bottom. If you don;t want to wait for the current song to finish, also incude a Activeplayer.FadeToNext; to have the current song fade into your scheduled track.


Rob Oyler

5280 Jazz

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I haven't been adding any tracks in the queue. What I want is just one track to play at a set time, regardless of what is playing and want this to happen when I am away from the PC, I can obviously start anything I want at whatever time if I am at the PC but want to leave it to it.
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Hi 3 | 10

Remember I ever made some sticky topics about PAL and SAM ?

You'll find it here :


Copy and paste the TOTH script and add it to your PAL section

As written into the script it gonna start playing (it is fading deck A or B to the next deck) at xx:59:35 (xx stands for "every" hour in a 24/24 shedule)

Open your "Event Sheduler" and add / create a new event

Into that new window you gonna see 2 tabs, 1 where you can manage the sheduled times and 1 where you can add a category, a playlist (.m3u), a file etc etc

You need to add a MP3 radioset ?

- Choose "add file" and search the file into your pc music directory

- select and click OK

- at the end of the script line you gonna see "ipBottom"

- change this into "ipTop"

- add your sheduled time and if you use the TOTH PAL you shedule your radioset as following => add time as xx:59:49 (xx stands for your specific time .. for example 19 what means 7pm or other)

- if all set .. click ok and the new event is added to your list of events


NOTICE = you can add a time 2 ways !

a ) once = specific day and it only gonna play ONCE

b ) every = used for a radioset who is aired for example every day or every week at the same day and time


As I quoted already into other topics and into both my sticky topics ... SAM is a software where you have to learn each and everything ... so make a try-out of several things .. over and over again


In general if your config has the right setup, including the setup of the clockwheel aka your format (see playlist rotations) SAM gives in general good results if you set your "in queue files" to "3" .. 2 is too less and 4 is sometimes too much .. depends of what you are willing to do .. if there are promos, IDs etc etc played as ipBottom or ipTop etc etc

If your experience during listening is ok .. you achieved a good basic format


I don't wanna say that I'm addicted to SAM .. but once you had the patience to set all features as they should be .. its a HUGE effort .. but ones managed you gonna see that less general changes has to be made into the future .. unless the input of new day and hours for new upcoming radiosets.


I don't wanna make promotion for my own project .. but check out once what and when is played at my project ... as radioguy you gonna understand what I mean with everything who is written above


Feel free to ask any other questions if needed, but first of all play around with SAM and become friends of eachother :)

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Den, you

go to normally Desktop B, then you hit the big + button on the event scheduler window. You name the (event say 16.00 hours,4pm Monday (or whatever you fancy!) Then you make sure the "Execute PAL SCript" Button is ticked, then you open the "Scheduled times" tab. You select "Execute Once" for a one off,or every day at that time if you so wish. Press OK. Make sure it is in the Event Scheduler window, and HEY presto! (hopefully!!!)


The one thing that always seems to be forgotten is the way you make your own PAL script, it's under config>PLaylist Rotation Rules>Configure


You then simply add lines one at a time and set the rules for each one.You MUST test ech line with the run line-by-line thing, or it never works properly.... in my own case anyway!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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Den, you

go to normally Desktop B, then you hit the big + button on the event scheduler window. You name the (event say 16.00 hours,4pm Monday (or whatever you fancy!) Then you make sure the "Execute PAL SCript" Button is ticked, then you open the "Scheduled times" tab. You select "Execute Once" for a one off,or every day at that time if you so wish. Press OK. Make sure it is in the Event Scheduler window, and HEY presto! (hopefully!!!)


The one thing that always seems to be forgotten is the

I done that Arfur but it is asking me for a PAL script, all i want to add is an mp3 file.

I did as Phillipe suggested and changed "ipBottom" to "ipTop" whish was ok but the scheduled track for 12pm started at 12.01:34 due to the previous track playing. How can I make whatever is playing stop and the scheduled track start at the time I want it to?

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Right...copy and paste this (from above!!!)


{# Add files to queue script #}




in to Notepad! save to here:

C:\Program Files\SpacialAudio\SAMBC\PAL

Don't forget to call it 8pm event.pal or whatever... (remember the .pal extension!)


then do what I suggested above! You can'tjust add a .mp3 file and get it to play out at a certain time. You can add files to play manually on Desktop A by adding files to the queue. HTH!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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Den, listen mate, it ain't you- I HAD EXACTLY THE SAME learning difficulties with SAM!!!!

It thinks differently to us ;-)


I added some more to my previous post above too, worth reading!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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SAM quite easily does the best Crossfades!!!! IF you get it setup properly.


There is one problem I noticed, sometimes (actually about 50% of the time!) it fails on bootup! That is no problem, if you are actually there all the time to nurse it in to life- I ain't though!


But iF YOU USE FREEWARE LIKE R2 studios startup delayer, and delay SAM by 1 minute, the database loads EVERY time before SAM starts! Otherwise you will no doubt get the error message about not being able to access the database


aLSO, You MUST use mysql with it, that Firebird database thing is awful. You must Install My SQL FIRST upon install!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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I know nothing about the databases so loaded firebird as standard but this is still the trial so I have no problem uninstalling and trying again. It does fire up ok every time. I don't plan to use SAM 24 hours, I use auto DJ normally but I want to use SAM for when I want to stream live or just schedule a show. I can switch between live and auto DJ without dropping listeners and now I can stream metadata live also then the listeners never know if live or not.


EDIT: I just had a PAL script start as you advised Arfur, it worked great, many thanks!!

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Right...copy and paste this (from above!!!)


You can'tjust add a .mp3 file and get it to play out at a certain time. You can add files to play manually on Desktop A by adding files to the queue. HTH!



You can add a .mp3 file to the queue and play at a certain time. I have it set for syndicated shows all the time.


Here is a step by step guide.


1. Click "Add files to queue" then add the code




2. select "Execute once or every" select the day(s) and time(s) click add and then ok.




Your mp3 file will now play at your desired time and will fade out what SAM is playing and replace with your .mp3

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Hi 3 | 10

What QMR is writing is perfect and gonna make the right change to your upcoming radioset

However whatever you use as TOTH file gonna "be fade out also" with this script

For that reason I was pointing you to my general TOTH script .. IF that runs ok you can shedule your upcoming radioset just "after" the TOTH is aired and your radioset gonna play at the right time


Secondly .. strange that you never checked my sticky topics before .. they contain all basic details and PALs to get started with your SAM ... even a user who is new to SAM can figure out how it can be managed into the easiest way ..

After you discovered all features you can start using some more advanced scripts

This sounds a bit rough .. but I know what I'm telling .. start with the basics and keep them balanced, make a try-out with a TOTH, add 1 or 2 PALs and manage all other things by using "Event Sheduler" ...You gonna see that by using your SAM into that way everything gonna run very smoothly

If you're not sure about what I'm telling .. listen to my project and checkout how everything is working.

Use this IP link into your type of media player:

(it looks that my website is currently offline :( ... but the stream is still up and running)

Good luck !

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You're Welcome :)

just a small detail .. to some pc machines its possible that MySql (4.0 or higher) works out better than Firebird

If you use SAM at a particular pc (so for example for streaming only) its a good idea to add a shortcut of both MySql and SAM into the "startup directory" ... its an easy way to make them operational after a reboot of your system

Enjoy and Good Luck ;)

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