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Hello all,


I'm an owner of a shoutcast hosting company, we have had other hosting services for a while now, but shoutcast is only few months old.


I'm interested to get informed about what is going on in the web streaming community and this place seems to do just that.


Let me know if you have any comments about the site or service I offer as well, any suggestions are welcome.


Seems I already made a friend helping me to get to know this forum better, thanks THREETEN RADIO! :boonie:

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Well that sounds interesting :) .. LOL

I offer as well

Welcome to BW !

Check all the tabs at BW .. this way you can discover all good things James made the past time :P

ps : We don't fear .. We are peacefull people and are always receiving Our pay-check from James if We are kind to fellow members

... just to say your welcome at enjoy BW !

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I really like your site, ESPECIALLY the fact that you make it known about radios needing licensing.


However, your only showing licensing groups for DIY broadcasters in America.


If you want to have a more of hobby crowd, you need to also promote JLA licensing, such as Loudcity, SWhost, and Live365.


I would recommend primarily loudcity or SWhost, as your customers can have a BMI/Soundexchange/ASCAP covered license for as low as $35 a mo. for under 5000 ATH. For SWHost as low as $10 for under 5000 ATH. The pricing leans to LC's favor as you go up, but that's not my specific point.I do believe you get my general drift considering Sound Exchange wants a $600 up front for tracking purposes and BMI... I dont want to guess how much they want. ASCAP isn't much alone but worthless for licensing if you get caught without the other two.


But the nice thing as well about JLA is they have monitoring servers, so all you would have to do is host them, and the monitoring servers do the rest. Companies like LC also provide media server connections, so all you have to do is plug in the IP:port.... Plug in a little about the station, and they provide this.





A very nice little directory page with all media player launch scripts encoded so your clients dont have to fool with them.


Before you recommend these services, I would advise you look over their terms as well, as they make understanding the DMCA easy, and easier for you when a client has a question that is a little above your head. Why I cant speak personally for SWCast, LC has a very good forum and Trouble tickets that usually get answered in 12 hours.



KNSJ.org / 89.1 FM San Diego
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100% uptime never your bringing my radio to its knees its been off more than its on its been off 8 times in the last 3 month i have ask for a refund you told me no if you was in the uk i will take you to court with a check you have i paid may bill and the next day its off again
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