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Using Skype

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Hi all:


I was thinking of using Skype for or sports OB ata Local Soccer game. Problem is, How do I use skype betweenThe main presenter at base and 2 pitchside commentators , problem being, how do we use 2 mics and how does the 2 pitchside presetners hear the Studio at the same time???????


Oh yeah, aswell as this, how do i keep it stereo?


I would welcome any answers


Thanks in advance

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I guess BS (Brutish Sailor) can give you some help about the skype issue

so lets hope BS gonna read this post :)


I presume you are doing live coverage of soccer games ?

Even into the world of professional TV if no other solutions are possible .. a mobile phone (GSM) can be the solution to have a realtime connection to what is happening into the mainstudio


for more technical details, be patient .. I'm sure other members gonna drop by with a better solution than mine

Good luck !

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Well, you'd need some sort of small mixing board, and laptop at the live event. Now a days, depending on your location, you can use your cell phone for tethering (tethering is using your cell phone to connect your laptop to the data network your phone uses).. that is, if wi-fi is not available at the location you're at.


Using the laptop, your remote broadcasters would dial into the studio skype.


Then, depending on if you have an audition bus setup on your console at the studio, your main presenter will be able to talk to the gentlemen at the live event while music, or spots are playing. At that point, your presenter has the option of recording his break with the commentators, to be run during his live break time, or he can do the break with them live.


This is actually very reminiscent to an ISDN setup that FM stations use for metro traffic and weather updates, OR even, a Tieline codec used for remote broadcasts.


If you do not have an audition bus on your console (ie an actual broadcast console) it is quite easy to create one using aux. sends if your microphone is setup on a subgroup.


Let me know if you need an explanation of any of this ^_^

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In the past we used this



But I would also appreciate some basic info re Skype, I believe 3 are offering free skype to skype calls in the UK.


Good luck


We used that system for 2 years. We actually covered a European game from Cyprus, through mobile it cost a fortune!!!!!

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I have very limited knowledge when it comes to stuff like this. I oersonally thought that it would be, a skype loaded laptop with wifi or mobile broadband connection at one end and a computer in the station with skype loaded. If we want to go live, just diall up! Even for outside OB's that are just interviews, say a Local politician or whatever!, how does he and the reporter at the OB hear whats going on at base without having feed back?


Thanks for the replies so far, keep 'em coming!

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