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BW Podcast section | BW Podcast Pool


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I'm just wondering if there's any way to increase the podcast section



I guess several BW members are also radiohosts and are able to make a 1 hour set who can be provided at the BW website


its a knife who cuts both ways :

- stations can shedule BW sets of their choice (compaired to the station or radioset format)

- hosts can get exposure to their radiosets at many stations at the same time


At the Podcast section I see currently some mixsets and some typical radiosets (1radio, cybafm ...)


It would be a great idea to create a kind of "BW Podcast Pool" with a variety of radiosets who offers different genres and who can be aired by stations who are known as BW member.

This way a kind of BW radiosets network could be created

All radiohosts are offcourse making their podcast as an unique identity

It can increase the amount of offered podcasts into several station formats such as Pop-Rock, CHRpop, etc etc


Any ideas ?

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