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Free Radio Jingles


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Hey All,


I just thought i would add a new topic and tell you about a new service

Air Media is setting up. ( Free Radio Jingles ) is a new service that is coming to the web in a few months.


The domain name is now in place and the production is well underway. Free Radio Jingles will supply totally free voice overs, music beds, effects , news sounders and free audio material for internet radio and low budget stations.


Air Media will continue to produce effects and audio for the website but will also continue to setup a totally free service for all up and coming internet radio stations.


The website is currently available and is pointed to the Air Media website for the next few weeks untill the web design is available for upload.


Thanks for your time

Alistair, Air Media



Air Media - Radio Production Company

Radio Imaging Effects - News Beds - Traffic Imaging


Voice Overs - Imaging Effects - Radio Sweepers

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