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Bot wont go away

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Ive got what Im pretty sure is a bot ripping my stream.

Its ip is Its info is


ISP:Comcast CableOrganization:Comcast Cable

Proxy:None detected



Country:United States http://images.whatismyipaddress.com/images/flags/us.png State/Region:ILCity:Elmwood ParkLatitude:41.9232Longitude:-87.8057

Area Code:773

The player is FreeAmp

The problem is when I ban the ip it wont stop from trying to connect so it just fills my log up with ip in ban list, disconnecting.

Any ideas how to get rid of this.http://forums.broadcastingworld.net/images/icons/icon8.gif


RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

........"Top Music Top of the Dial"

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Ive got what Im pretty sure is a bot ripping my stream.

Its ip is Its info is


ISP:Comcast CableOrganization:Comcast Cable

Proxy:None detected



Country:United States http://images.whatismyipaddress.com/images/flags/us.png State/Region:ILCity:Elmwood ParkLatitude:41.9232Longitude:-87.8057

Area Code:773

The player is FreeAmp

The problem is when I ban the ip it wont stop from trying to connect so it just fills my log up with ip in ban list, disconnecting.

Any ideas how to get rid of this.http://forums.broadcastingworld.net/images/icons/icon8.gif



maybe try to ban the whole subnet

or contact your host to ban the ip at their firewall

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Just as Peer Guardian can be used to ban the RIAA/Adware so too can it be used to ban bots. Once you know its a bot for sure than install Peer Guardian on your server. Now just use a manual list of IP's to ban. Its easy if you don't want to mess with a full fledged firewall like Zone Alarm. Let me know how this works.

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wow i already use peerguardian and i totally didnt think to use it in that way. And it looks like theres a program called moblock for linux that allows you to use the same p2g formatted files to create iptables rules to block bots
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is there any point to a bot that rips a stream? Since if one wanted mp3's they could find them elsewhere on the internet?

Thats one thing I cant work out as well, maybe because it takes hands on to download single mp3's or torrents.

RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

........"Top Music Top of the Dial"

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I personally have found quite a few streams that have been "ripped" but the ID's tagged over to make it look like their station. Quite obvious to the average webcaster but not to the average listener! This generates income off somebody elses work (via website advertising and stream advertising).


But a majority of stream rippers do it for personal use, Recording a stream is a good way to rewind and play back good moments in a station or a particular song they liked. There are people out there that do that!

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But a majority of stream rippers do it for personal use, Recording a stream is a good way to rewind and play back good moments in a station or a particular song they liked. There are people out there that do that!

I thought that at first with the last one , but then I noticed how much time he was ripping. Far to much to ever play it back again. He was doing it for days for almost 24 hours a day. Thats a bit fishy for me. And then after I banned them, they keep trying to hook up for over 5 hours and then not even an email to say, Hey I cant get your stream any more, what wrong? As I said a bit fishy.


RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

........"Top Music Top of the Dial"

Click HERE to listen to the RAG-FM radio stream

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