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HELP PLEASE: Looking for DJ/Radio software that has 4 Decks?

Arfa B

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Basically, what I want Is something like Barrcode BCX- but that is too expensive for my humble use!


I want a piece of software that plays mp3's and has FOUR decks. Now, the important bit! YOU MUST be able to assign the four decks to four seperate soundcards if you so wish!


Four decks, four faders- and countdown time- that is it!

Jazler and Stinger are no good, neither is Zulu!


Any ideas anyone?

I want no automation, nothin' fancy!!! And it must be affordable???



If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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James, Im using 3 cards now, 1 Soundblaster, 1 Behringer usb & 1 Firewire inspire. Thats only 3 but I cant see any problems for 4. You can set the Aux players to different cards. Im using Zararadio version 1.6.2.

Ive used dual sound cards for years, the only problem Ive found is that you cant use 2 of the same cards, the drivers get mucked up.

RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

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You used to be able to split the output on the soundblaster cards.

There were some drivers called KX Drivers which you could use the front & rear outputs at the same time with different source's. I did use them for a while and they worked well. I dont know if the drivers are still around now or work with the latest cards.

RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

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Hi, and thanks to all! Alan,I tried that Mairlist, but I couldn't get it to assign sound cards to faders?

JohnyC- you are a hero!

I never knew you could assign 4 aux players to different soundcards like that! Wonderful,it works well. I was using SAM- but the fades on that are awful for some reason? Also, you can't assign that many decks to soundcards either.


Only one thing now.... How do I get Zararardio to stream LIVE if I wanT? I guess I'll have to run Winamp with a shoutcast plugin or SAM encoder or something?


Thanks again Johny- much appreciated!!!!

If I have helped you with a Freebie- please be kind enough to add a link from your own site or blog to mine- thanks! http://arthurburton.net


Thank You!

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Yes Edcast and the shoutcast server if you want to send the track data as well. If you dont use this http://www.nch.com.au/streaming/index.html

Its stand alone and you dont need to have the shoutcast server running, but it dosnt send the track data amd wont do AAC+.

RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

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Forgot to mention that if you remove a sound card from your pc, you have to set all of Zara's outputs to no sound before you do it or it will crash when you start it up next and you have to do a reinstall. Once you restart Zara set the outputs again. Its a pain if you pull out a usb card and forget to do it.

RAG-FM 107.7 Raglan New Zealand & ragfm.com

........"Top Music Top of the Dial"

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A bit late, but i hope you're still looking for some nice stuff. Maybe others can do something with it too. It's a freeware peace of software which i use in my own studio as a live assist, which is called Freeplayer. It has been made by a dutch guy, and a bit inspired on Dalet. For more info, check this link!


Like you asked for, it has 4 decks, ability to assign them to a different soundcard (and an extra assignment for the pfl), ability to make remote starts with the lpt-port, and a very nice item is the mix-editor / segue-editor.


This is how it looks like ; http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3607/3333209804_b330700c18_o.jpg

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The newsplayer is nothing more then a single player, which can be used to play the news each hour. It starts with a pulse (faderstart or something like that connected at the LPT port), and when it's finished playing, it generates a pulse, which can be used to start up the automation again after the news (this can be both pulse through LPT, or just through the network). Just an app that can be used when for some reason, your automationsoftware isn't really capable of handling the playout of the news each hour.
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