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I went through this section last night, And realized I did not have a Greeting. Let me introduce myself.


Well... My name is Nickolas, I'm From NJ-NY (on the edge.) USA. I'm *BLANK* Years Old. I'm Hoping for a big warm welcome to BW... Becuase I know you are all that nice. I am a Noob Broadcaster. I don't Help out much around the forums. I talk alot. And I go on... and on... and on.... and on... and on... About stuff when I want to, Or I do it to make someone mad :) I am a Expert Coder, I like to think, I know HTML CSS and PHP/MYSQL. Don't Ask for help with the languages, I'm not that good at stuff off the top of my head unless I am really focused.



Note: My age is Blank due to that game I made, "Guess their Age" or something like that, Go look for the game, YOU could be the one to guess my age.



((That's Me...))

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