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Showing .php file in Win Media Player

johny c

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This might be a hard one or easy to some people.

Can you get Windows media player or Winamp to show a now playing php file in its window, (like they show ads in the window). I want it to show what the last few tracks that have played.

How do I put this info into a .asx file.

Heres the page.



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Hi Johny,

First of all you'll find a ".wax" file attached to this reply. Its ready to use .. and it works ...

BUT : the sound you'll hear is my stream source ... for reason that not all Win Media Players support the AAC+ codex

To users who have a AAC+ setup, their WMP gonna recognize the codex, to those who use a standard WMP it don't gonna work

How do I put this info into a .asx file.

Heres the page.



Operational the current .wax file works fine and shows your "current playing" ... however I see into the html several Javascripts.

For reason that your php page is made as iframe into your html you don't need the Javascripts written into that page aka source code.

Secondly if a .wax file is used Javascripts can give conflicts to the visible content of what "has" to be seen into the WMP screen.

Important to know is that a .wax file opens WMP automatic even when other types of media players are installed on a pc of a listener ...

An .asx can give also a command to for example WinAmp ... a .wax don't (so its WMP only)


So far I don't have any knowledge to do the same if used into WinAmp

I hope other members can point you into the right direction (concerning WinAmp)


Hope this was usefull

PS: unzip the .rar file, open the .wax file with WMP, to change the content of this .wax example "right click" and open with "notebloc"

Good luck !

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If you use a meta refresh every minute or so this should take care of the issue:

To change the amount of time between refreshes, update the number 40. This is going to be the easiest for you to implement.

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Sorry Guys, it refresh's in Internet Explorer, but it still wont refresh in Windows media player.


Try this..


RAG-FM 107.7
<br />
function changeIt(fl) { <br />
document.frames["myInnerFrame"].location.href=fl; <br />
alert(fl);<br />
 <br />
} <br />
 <br />
function automatic() { <br />
for (i=1;i<10;i++) { <br />
  setTimeout("changeIt(" +  i + ".html)", i * 59000); <br />
} <br />


UPDATE: Works in IE and on a .wax file :)


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