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Thanks for all the warm welcomes. :D



James to answer your question;


My station is still underworks so most of the time at the moment it seems to be the AutoDJ that picks up the tab. I do a show on Saturday evenings myself, and I broadcast from Brisbane, Queensland. That said, I am negotiating terms with a few people to DJ on my station, and while some of them come from various states in Australia, some also come from other countries. I figure given it is the internet, and the internet is global, why limit a radio station, based there on to a single country?


It is a pain in license fees for software and junk though, but I reckon it will soon be worth it with the introduction of LTE next year.

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LTE is the short hand way of saying Long Term Evolution. It is a mobile network standard which will replace the current 3G mobile networks around the world starting around November next year (date based on data from Nokia and T-Mobile). The LTE standard will be the main standard in 4G mobile devices and will allow for a mobile internet data speed of 160mbps unaffected at speeds upto 120km/h.


LTE should see the internet come into devices which previously did not have access to it.


For more information check out this wiki


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