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I'm in search for this counter script ...


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Hello Everybody,


I have searched all around the web, but didn't found what I'm looking for ...

it excists and it can be made into java and html


I'm in search for the following script who makes it possible that the following text appearce on the website :


We have served xxxxxxx visitors | xxx online users


- The script don't has to be cookie based (ex: time delay hits)

- It only has to contain the text as written into the example

- If possible it makes realtime updates of new incoming visitors into "both counter" sections


Thanks to all who are able to help Me in fixing this :biggrinthumb:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Lloyd,

I made a download of several of the scripts .. many are SQL based and the script who should give the right results has a broken download link :(


The tool that I'm willing to find is something similar as on this website :


>> See right upper corner


As I quoted on top : it excists .. but I don't find the right "full" code package

Anyway, thanks for your time and advice !

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Is it possible that it might be two different scripts?

Is it possible for you to give me a link to where the right script is? Ill see if i can work out something from that


But, http://www.proxy2.de/demo/dcounter.php that one should do the daily counter. I managed to download it from the proxy2.de site


And after reading the readme, it should do exactly what you want. Ill upload it here.




include ("./config.inc.php");

if ($COUNT_CFG['use_db']) {

include ("./mysql.class.php");


include ("./counter.class.php");


$counter = new dcounter();

$visits = $counter->show_counter(); /* Returns an associative array */


echo $visits['total'];


echo $visits['visits_today'];




Sounds like what you require?



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Realy ?

I have opend all files by notebloc and didn't have seen any input of MySql user, password etc

The directory contains a "mysql.class" file but it don't has any demand for supplement data such as user, pass etc ... I guess that file act as being used with MySql

Not sure .. but that's what I see .. unless I'm wrong

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Realy ?

I have opend all files by notebloc and didn't have seen any input of MySql user, password etc

The directory contains a "mysql.class" file but it don't has any demand for supplement data such as user, pass etc ... I guess that file act as being used with MySql

Not sure .. but that's what I see .. unless I'm wrong


Ah, ok then, I just remember seeing the mysql.class file.


Wel'll find out soon then

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