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Hello Everyone, Im writing this off my mobile phone so this will only be brief.


I apologize on the spam on the past few days, its been getting out of control but we are doing the best we can to delete and control each member joining here. Today, somebody reported a post, it was reported directly to my mobile phone and i immediately logged on and deleted this spam. This doesnt happen to all spam though, i am the only admin that has mobile control (at the moment). Plus i do need to sleep ;)


Id just like to ask kindly that you respect everybody who volunteers here. They help our Broadcasting World in their on time and they are fantastic on what they do here! If a member is seeing spam, please report it and ignore it.


There is no need for smart comments regarding the job our volunteers do, if you are interested in becoming a volunteer moderator you will need to contact our management side of things at veeblox.


Again, thanks to all members who have been helping us by reporting posts, id like to say a big thankyou to our volunteer staff, it has been a ridiculous time with the spam but we are coping nicely!



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I actually log on more now on the go, I just got an iPhone, and LOVE it lol. I especially love the SHOUTcast app :)


But to the point, I can actually mod and browse the forums from my iPhone easily...so I'll try to keep more attention to posts now.




Jon Bova


"Successful people have libraries. The rest have big screen TVs. - Jim Rohn"

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